December Monthly Status Review (MSR) SCaN Testbed David Irimies, Project Manager February 5,
GRC Project Manager: MSC/David Irimies Chief Engineer: DT/Josh Freeh Safety & Mission Assurance Lead: Q/Rick Plastow NASA Customer: SCaN Program/John Rush Key Contractor(s): SpaceDOC/ZIN, GESS/Vantage Project Mission Statement: SCaN Testbed is an advanced communications lab facility installed on ISS, which provides the opportunity to develop and advance communications, navigation, and networking technologies in the dynamic operational environment of space Develop and demonstrate experiments on ISS that will advance the TRL of Software Defined Radios (SDR) and the Space Telecommunications Radio Standard (STRS) in support of future NASA missions Project Life Cycle Schedule (Governing NPR ) HTV Docked to ISS Flight System in TVAC SCaN Testbed Project MilestonesSRRIVRPDRCDRPh III Safety SARORRLaunchOpsOn-Orbit Expts ReturnFinal Report Actual/ Baseline 5/200810/20089/20094/201008/201110/20116/20127/2012Inc. 32=>01/2013N/A Installed onto ISS ELC GRC Scope: The SCaN Testbed project is defined as the development, integration and on-orbit execution of experiments, as well as the operations and maintenance of the SCaN Testbed. Project closeout will occur no earlier than 2018, or upon Program direction, with SCaN Testbed decommissioning, disposal, and final documentation. Rev 12/31/13 2
Content for BPR submission The STB successfully completed Antenna Pointing System (APS) Commissioning operations –Narrative: STB successfully completed the commissioning operations of its Antenna Pointing System (APS). The STB operations team averaged three events a day, including a Sport Mode series of tests whereby STB specifically increased auto-track gains to the highest settings. The APS algorithm appears to be robust, and has performed beyond expectations as evidenced by the ability to track through ISS reboosts, attitude maneuvers, and with purposely corrupted tracking files. Resources devoted from the STB to debug the autotrack capability of the Tracking and Data Relay Satellites’-HIJ (and unplanned, first experiment) slipped the completion of Antenna Pointing System tests by 3 weeks. 3
Accomplishments – APS Commissioning Completed APS Commissioning operations –The ops team averaged three events a day –Most recently completed final portion of test matrix - Sport Mode Specifically increased auto-track gains to the highest auto-track gain settings Test matrix had 52 closed loop tracking events and successfully completed –APS algorithm appears to be robust – APS has performed beyond expectations as evidenced by the ability to track through reboosts, attitude maneuvers, and with purposely corrupted tracking files. Completed on-orbit dry run / data collection for upcoming TDRS-K Checkout, in coordination with TDRS-K project –SCaN Testbed Ka-band auto-track operated nominally and did not react adversely to the stepped power changes 4
SDR Commissioning - Overview Last week was the start of SCaN Testbed’s Software Defined Radio (SDR) Commissioning SDR Commissioning verifies the end-to-end data flow of the SCAN Testbed and ground systems SDR Commissioning also verifies that the radio link performance is predictable SDR commissioning will continue for the next two weeks. 5
Accomplishments – SDR Commissioning Completed GD / JPL SDR pre-commissioning Completed SDR Commissioning operations on the Forward links –All three SDRs (GD, JPL and Harris) were run with the Antenna Pointing System (APS) –Medium Gain Antenna (MGA) for GD and JPL SDRs –High Gain Antenna (HGA) for Harris SDR –Still working data analysis and post processing Completed 9 events (Fwd links) – 2 passed; 5 failed; 2 events’ results pending – Success is a high bar: error free performance on the forward and return links – Each failed event attributed to ground system problems 6
Accomplishments – SDR Commissioning Each failed event attributed to ground system problems – STB WSC Front End Processor (SFEP) bursts of errors for GD Continuing work with GSFC & WSC to resolve root causes – WSC SFEP driver issue for Harris Reverted SFEP back to original driver Forward link then error-free for the entire event – Experimenter Front End Processor (EFEP) encoder problem for JPL Diagnosing issue. Operated 1e-7 uncoded, then error-free while coded for the remainder of the event Collaboration: STB supplying SDR Commissioning data to SCaN Program Sys. Engr. (PSE) Project to validate their simulation model of SCaN Network 7
Accomplishments - Experiments First external experimenter visit to GRC – Expt 4/JPL GPS – Conducted additional testing with new JPL GPS development waveform/OE on the GIU to obtain log files for diagnostic evaluation – Reviewed Experiment Plan, and coordinated future data collection and operation activities Second external experimenter visit to GRC –Expt 8/Scintillation-Hardened GPS – Hosted CommLargo Phase 2 SBIR Kickoff – Toured STB Facilities (Control Center, Highbay/GIU) – Discussed Expt 8’s requirements of STB, schedule, risks, etc. 8
Accomplishments - Experiments Experiment 6 (Bandwidth Efficient, High Rate Waveform at Ka-band) – Read/Write application written and tested for transmit FPGA – Successfully built and tested Harris “Test” Waveform 9
Expt 25a (TDRS-K Checkout) Status Successfully completed TDRS-K Dress Rehearsal (Dry Runs) – Two TDRS events simulated over 3 hours – Used GIU to get realistic response times and vet STB / TDRS-K procedures – WSC and TDRS-K test conductors thought it went well, and called off the third planned pass Completed review and baselined Experiment Plan – both STB and TDRS-K projects Expt 25a Overview: -Program track / autotrack on both STB and TDRS-K -Objective: Demonstrate that TDRS-K can acquire and successfully autotrack a Ka-band user in low Earth orbit. -This will be the first test of autotrack service with an orbiting customer during in-orbit checkout -Provides test-as-you-fly data not captured in the L5 autotrack test procedures executed by Boeing -STB offers in-orbit Ka-band user to verify KaSA services and autotrack requirements that are called out in TDRS-K Test Plan 10
Experiment Support Activities First Avionics software update undergoing final verification testing. Updates include: – Necessary support for Expt 4 (JPL GPS) STB accelerated schedule to accommodate Expt 4 timeline –Gaining operational efficiencies –Corrective actions to critical commanding and updating calibration coefficients Completed Harris, GD, and JPL Commissioning Verification Test Reviews (VTR) – First detailed SDR Commissioning preparation – Currently performing dry runs of procedures on GIU 11
General Accomplishments & Outreach Pitched to ISS MiPROM (Multi-Increment Payload Resupply and Outfitting Manifest) Working Group – January 30 – STB presented to extend manifest and delay decommissioning from 2015 to 2018 (see Risk chart, Risk #2) –Outcome: extended through FY18 (with TBR), TBR involves follow-on discussions with JSC-OZ and MiPROM group Wireless Innovation (SDR) Forum: Keynote address, STRS subtopic, 2 technical presentations, Washington, DC – January 7-10, 2013 –Rich Reinhart, Keynote Speaker –Jennifer Nappier, Paper/presentation on GD Automatic Gain Control work –Dale Mortensen, JPL SDR development –Sandra Johnson, STB / STRS sessions and staffing STB booth 12
Upcoming Key Events EventDate APS Commissioning Complete1/23 JPL GPS GIU Testing and Visit1/23-24 TPA (Test Prep Assessment)1/23 Expt 4a JPL/GPS Dev Test on GIU1/23-24 SDR Commissioning (Forward links)1/28-2/1 SDR Commissioning at WSC2/4-2/15 Payload Avionics SW Upload 1 V&V Complete3/1 Expt 2 (Harris Ka-band) Operations, Cycle 13/4 – 3/5, 3/19 Expt 1a (GD S-band) Operations, Cycle 13/14, 3/18 Expt 25a (TDRS-K) Operations3/29 Payload Avionics SW Upload 14/15 Expt 4a (JPL GPS) OperationsWeek of 4/22 Expt 1b (JPL S-band) OperationsWeek of 4/29 In Progress 13
14 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 3-Feb4-Feb5-Feb6-Feb7-Feb8-Feb9-Feb SDR Comm’n (Return Links) WSC Ops, 4- Mar matrices, schedule due SDR Comm’n (Return Links) 10-Feb11-Feb12-Feb13-Feb14-Feb15-Feb16-Feb SDR Comm’n (Return Links) WSC Ops 11-Mar matrices, schedule due 17-Feb18-Feb19-Feb20-Feb21-Feb22-Feb23-Feb Standdown week 18-Mar matrices, schedule due 24-Feb25-Feb26-Feb27-Feb28-Feb1-Mar2-Mar Standdown week 25-Mar matrices, schedule due 3-Mar4-Mar5-Mar6-Mar7-Mar8-Mar9-Mar Experiment 2Antenna/Commissioning Contingency 10-Mar11-Mar12-Mar13-Mar14-Mar15-Mar16-Mar Antenna/Commissioning ContingencyExperiment 1a 17-Mar18-Mar19-Mar20-Mar21-Mar22-Mar23-Mar Experiment 1aExperiment 2Antenna/Commissioning Contingency 24-Mar25-Mar26-Mar27-Mar28-Mar29-Mar30-Mar TDRS-K week TDRS-K 31-Mar1-Apr2-Apr3-Apr4-Apr5-Apr6-Apr GPS/Potential additional TDRS-K Testing Upcoming Key Events
Potential ELC Issue 15 KSC ELC Simulator had recent failure traced to ELC design flaw – Cause: multiple polarized capacitors in ELC ExPCA (ExPRESS Payload carrier avionics) specified to be installed backwards – Likely (but not certain) that four flight units on ISS have same issue Still investigating what caused capacitors to fail on ELC Simulator – Failure may have been due to usage of the ELC Simulator that was different than on-orbit ELCs – May be replaceable via EVA If ELC3 had similar failure on-orbit, SCaN Testbed could potentially lose command and telemetry and/or power Investigation is ongoing – STB participating on Failure Investigation Team Preliminary information pending further investigation
Issues and Concerns Key Issue/ConcernPotential / Realized ImpactAction Plan Resolution Date Workforce Shortages in RF, Comm., and Mission Ops due to lack of GRC personnel availability Actual slips in FY13 milestones Antenna Characterization complete (ops and data analysis) 9+ weeks slip Commissioning ops 6 weeks Completion of Commissioning 10+ weeks RF HID 1 year slip (from FY12 baseline) EDS 1 year slip (from FY12 baseline) – can’t start integrating external experiments Have resulted - and will continue to result in - slips to major milestones and progress of experiments, and idling STB on-orbit operations Customer/SCaN Program (J. Rush) made clear that STB has staffing priority amongst GRC TSD projects e.g. iROC, Data Standards 1a. Project created Position Descriptions for the following staffing priorities: *RF / Comm. Sys. SME (1 FTE/WYE) *Full-time Experiment #6 Principal Investigator (Augment existing PI time from 0.5 to 1.0 on SCaN Testbed - Joe Downey) *Experiment #6 Complex Electronics Waveform/Application Developer (1 FTE/WYE) *Co-PI of GEONS Navigation Experiment and Maintain STAT tool (Bryan Welch at 0.7 FTE) *Communication Data Analysis (0.5 – 1 FTE/WYE) *Controls SME – APS operations (0.5 FTE/WYE) *Experiment #15 Principal Investigator (1 FTE/WYE) *Experiment #15 Complex Electronics Waveform/Application Developer (1 FTE/WYE) *Experimental Software Waveform/Application Developer (0.5-1 FTE/WYE) *GPS Experiments Integration Support and EDS Updates (1 FTE / WYE) 1b. Project in parallel pursuing SSC lead and support roles thru existing SSC responsible for SE&I and Mission Ops 1a. Continual Code RH staffing workshop mid-Feb Code DP series of meetings, ongoing 1b. Continual (Mission Ops: backfilled with 2 SSCs) 16
Status Rev 2/8/13CostScheduleTechnicalMgmt Current MonthGRYR Prior MonthGYGY Stoplight Status and Explanations PENDING STAFFING WORKSHOP RESULTS CURRENT MONTH EXPLANATIONS Sched / Mgmt Issue / Impact Action Plan Resolution Date R Workforce Shortages in RF, Comm., and Mission Ops due to lack of GRC personnel avail. Project created Position Descriptions for the following staffing priorities: *RF / Comm. Sys. SME (1 FTE/WYE) *Full-time Experiment #6 Principal Investigator (Augment existing PI time from 0.5 to 1.0 on SCaN Testbed - Joe Downey) *Experiment #6 Complex Electronics Waveform/Application Developer (1 FTE/WYE) *Co-PI of GEONS Navigation Experiment and Maintain STAT tool (Bryan Welch at 0.7 FTE) *Communication Data Analysis (0.5 – 1 FTE/WYE) *Controls SME – APS operations (0.5 FTE/WYE) *Experiment #15 Principal Investigator (1 FTE/WYE) *Experiment #15 Complex Electronics Waveform/Application Developer (1 FTE/WYE) *Experimental Software Waveform/Application Developer (0.5-1 FTE/WYE) *GPS Experiments Integration Support and EDS Updates (1 FTE / WYE) 1b. Project in parallel pursuing SSC lead and support roles thru existing SSC responsible for SE&I and Mission Ops 1a. Continual 1b. Continual (Mission Ops: backfilled with 2 SSCs) 17
CMC Stoplight Variance Criteria Cost G Project is less than 5% variance from plan (+ or -) or under $500K; Y Project is greater than 5%, but less than 10% variance from plan (+ or - ) and over $500K; R Project is greater than 10% variance from plan (+ or -), and over $1 Million. Schedule G Project is less than 1 month variance from plan; Y Project is less than 2 months variance from plan; R Project is greater than 2 months variance from plan. 18 Technical G Major requirements are being met by the current design; Y Major requirements are not being met, but feasible options have been identified and accepted (directed and funded) that will meet all requirements; R Major requirements are not being met and options for corrective action are not yet shown to be feasible and/or are not yet directed and funded. Management G Project implementation is not hampered by lack of resources, including budget, workforce, facilities, contracts, project management tools and documentation (requirements, plans, procedures, etc.); Y Project implementation is limited by the lack of one or more resources, but corrective action has been identified and approved; R Project implementation is impacted by the lack of one or more resources, with corrective action not yet identified and/or approved. *NEN-LGA – can’t meet Direct to ground Technical Rqmts *SFEP Corrective action identified, not yet approved/implemented *Antenna char. data analysis *Comm’n ops
Issues and Concerns Top Project Risk #1 Key Issue/ConcernPotential / Realized ImpactAction Plan Resolution Date Out-Year Funding Profile Insufficient to Execute Project Given an out-years (FY14+) resource shortage, there is a possibility that: Most likely impact: STB Expt integration and operations will idle/intermittently stop – with average of 1-2 weeks per month of on-orbit ops capability, with remainder of month for ground verifications, mission planning, etc. -will further hamper mitigation of Top Project Risk #2 (External Experimenter Support) 1.STB Leadership to meet face-to-face with SCaN Program on working FY14 budget mark, discuss impacts, and request partial reprogramming of funds from supporting Center to GRC. 2.Assemble FY14 budget and prioritized content/experiments, including overguide/ deferred content, and present to Program and respond to PPBE/PRG guidelines/marks Note: STB priority #1: Experiment Development, and Workforce Shortages in RF and Comm. part of Experiment Development 3.Request SCaN Program reserve / additional funding beyond existing mark 1.Complete 2. In Work – resolve 3/1 (3- 4 weeks after release of PRG) 3.Continual 19
Issues and Concerns Top Project Risk #2 Key Issue/ConcernPotential / Realized ImpactAction Plan Resolution Date Funding Insufficient to Fully Support Experimenter Requests of STB Capabilities EDS and RF HID – 1 year slip Given a resource shortage to fully support experimenter requests, including P2 and P3 requirements (implementation of which were deferred until after launch), there is a possibility that: STB unable to timely accommodate external Experimenters Increased development time and effort for all Experimenters 1.Include External Experimenter requests - approved by project - as part of PPBE package (Action Plan Item #2 in “Out-years funding…” risk) 2.Continue to Prioritize new SW capabilities based upon experimenters in the queue, impact to Level 1 Requirements and STB Mission Success Criteria, and SCaN Program priorities 3. Continue to adopt a “Level of Effort” approach for experiment integration and SW modifications 4. Continue to evolve and streamline experiment integration processes 1. In Work – resolve 3/1 (3- 4 weeks after release of PRG) 2.Continual 3.Continual 4. Continual 20
SCaN Testbed Top Project Risks LIKELIHOODLIKELIHOOD CONSEQUENCES LxC Trend RankApproachRisk Title 1M Out-Year Funding Profile Insufficient to Execute Project N 2M Funding Insufficient to Fully Support Experimenter Requests 3MPremature STB Disposal by ISS Approach M – Mitigate W – Watch A – Accept R – Research C – Closed Criticality Decreasing (Improving) Increasing (Worsening) Unchanged N New L x C Trend High Med Low 1, 2 3 STATUS AS OF: 2/5/13 RankConsequence(s) 1 Given an out-years (FY14+) resource shortage, there is a possibility that: STB Expt integration and operations will intermittently stop Progress on experiment development will be even slower Lower contribution to the STRS repository 2 Given a resource shortage to fully support experimenter requests, there is a possibility that: STB unable to timely accommodate external Experimenters Increased development time and effort for all Experimenters 3 Given an ISS disposal schedule of April 2015, there is a possibility that Experiments in development will not be executed on-orbit Payload will be underutilized Lower contribution to the STRS repository 21