Train Tour of the Northeast Olivia and Prudence
West Quoddy Head, Maine It is the most Eastern state in the U.S.A. It is the first to see the sun rise. There are lots of grooves in the harbors because of the glaciers. The lighthouse was built in1808.
MT. Washingtion,New Hampshire It is the tallest peak in the northeast. It is part of the Appellation Mountain range. It has some of the most severe weathers. Once the wind got to be 131 miles in 1934.
Plymouth, Massachusetts The pilgrims landed here almost 400 years ago. Less then half the pilgrims were in search for religious freedom.
Boston Common, Massachusetts The American Revaluation first started here. Boston Massachusetts is one of the oldest cities in America.
Erie Canal, New York The Erie Canal was very helpful. It could carry goods to other places faster and cheaper.
Hershey, Pennsylvania Hershey’s factory is the largest chocolate factory in the world. It is in the northeast because of the water power and people power.
Washington D.C. Washington D.C. is are nations capital. The congress is in the Legislative. They make the laws. The president is in the Executive. They make sure that the laws are carried out. The Judicial which is the supreme quart makes sure that the laws fallow the constitution.
Independence Hall, Pennsylvania Our nations birth date is July 4, It happened at Independence Hall. The United States constitution is based on the idea of democracy.
New York City, New York NYC is the most populated city in America. More than 8 million people live there.
Resources Picture Resources West Quoddy Head Lighthouse, Maine: us&biw=1280&bih=851&tbm=isch&tbnid=bCuqg8QPbSBuhM:&imgrefurl= om=1&iact=rc&dur=219&sig= &page=1&tbnh=146&tbnw=211&start=0&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0&tx=120&ty=106 Hershey, Pennsylvania hershey/&docid=mEozJJLpV2pv7M&imgurl= PA.jpg&w=864&h=576&ei=iXQYT5f5M5H1ggeAw_TVCw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=393&vpy=292&dur=4374&hovh=183&hovw=275&tx=129&ty=93&sig= &page=3&tbnh=146&tbnw=200&start=46&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:17,s:4 6 Mt. Washington washington/&docid=Y7RaHMuCxuQ1zM&imgurl= Washington.jpg&w=1024&h=768&ei=T3UYT676I4qBgwfIzOTvCw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=397&vpy=344&dur=9171&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=139&ty=125&sig= &page=1&tbnh=144&tbnw=190&start=0&ndsp=20&ved=1t:42 9,r:6,s:0 Boston, Massachusetts war-soldiers-march-185-miles-to-ny&docid=56HYs6BDumwkPM&imgurl= 8HYCw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=854&vpy=366&dur=4156&hovh=136&hovw=168&tx=129&ty=98&sig= &page=3&tbnh=136&tbnw=168&start=46&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:23,s:46 Erie Canal us&biw=1280&bih=851&tbm=isch&tbnid=hWpT42P9_r9KyM:&imgrefurl= ei=g3YYT4jdA4_1ggeXksH4Cw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=178&vpy=565&dur=5999&hovh=184&hovw=274&tx=207&ty=111&sig= &page=4&tbnh=147&tbnw=193&start=70&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:20,s:70 New York City city.html&docid=Sf4Zs-SKfLHJdM&imgurl= PMqogweE8JT7Cw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=591&vpy=497&dur=8374&hovh=200&hovw=251&tx=169&ty=128&sig= &page=1&tbnh=150&tbnw=188&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:13,s:0 Independence Hall us&biw=1280&bih=851&tbm=isch&tbnid=cAphZ6Vz_ghLFM:&imgrefurl= x- Independence_Hall.jpg&w=250&h=188&ei=qHcYT_3WJsWEgwemio3eCw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=665&vpy=211&dur=265&hovh=150&hovw=200&tx=129&ty=135&sig= &page=1&tbnh=145&tbnw=195&start=0&ndsp=24&ve d=1t:429,r:3,s:0 Washington D.C. 9i6L1CNCM&imgurl= jpg&w=526&h=349&ei=_ncYT9rWAczlggfjyqjpCw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=375&sig= &page=2&tbnh=145&tbnw=190&start=20&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:12,s:20&tx=92&ty=84 Plymouth, MA