Nicolas-Gérard CAMPHUIS Majors and cities preventing and managing flood risks
5 m
5 miles bright flood plain Orleans
Tours 3 miles bright flood plain
Paris Tours Orléans L = 650 m S = km² Q in Orléans ( km²) Q 1 = 300 m3/s Q 10 = m3/s Q 100 = m3/s Q 500 = m3/s NYC
33 x 250 m 150 m 3 floods % flooded L = 250 m S = 600 mxm 160 breaches for each flood
1 1 Sand and limon Stone as protection Earth covering Old dike 600 y old Top protection erected in 1847 On the river side
Old dike or levee Reinforcement realized in Drainage under the levee Path On the valley side
P REDICTION & adequate alert 3P strategy decided in 1999 P REVENTION & crisis management P ROTECTION 600 M. $ needed in 15 to 20 years 40 M $ spent on
Diagnosis of the vulnerability of companies and public networks : power plants and supply water and sanitation roads and railways with 80 % subvention from the “federal” and “state”