Zoning Analysis Lot at Corner of Mason’s Isl Rd Harry Austin Dr The property is located at the corner of Mason’s Island Road and Harry Austin Drive near the Mystic YMCA. The parcel gradually slopes away from Mason’s Island Road but drops off quickly at the west end. Water and views of interest exist to the South, West and Southwest, especially at potential upper floor elevations. Zoning Regulations Section allows “Hospitals and Clinics” in the M-1 Zone by Special Use Permit. Property Zoning Data is as follows: Zone:M-1 Front Yard:50’FAR (Floor Area Ratio):.30 (13,983 SF) Side Yard:25’Flood Zone:AE 100 Yr Rear Yard:50’MAP/Block/Lot: Lot Size:1.07 Acres (46,609)Max. Height:50’ Additionally, the property is in the AE 100 Yr flood hazard zone (A Elev. 11). This should not present a problem as the potential ground floor of a proposed structure could be constructed above Elevation 20’ NGVD. A proposed structure would potentially require addressing the following buffers: - Wetland - Zone (commercial-to-residential) A proposed project would require the following approval process: 1. Architectural Design Review Board 2. Wetlands Review 3. CAM Review (Coastal Area Management) 4. Planning & Zoning 5. Building Permit (including Fire Marshal, Police and/or other applicable municipal review) A more thorough review of this analysis and interpretations with the Town Planning Dept. is recommended, as a number of applications have been submitted and withdrawn for projects on the subject property. Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. Respectfully submitted, Mark A. Comeau, AIA ▫ Architect Summary Statement Prepared by Mark Comeau, AIA ▫ Architect For Dr. Sally Vail, DDS 1 Previously Designed Structure For Subject Property Mark Comeau, AIA ▫
Lot Map: Showing boundary, flood plane limits, parcel information. LOT MAP Zoning Analysis 2 Lot Data Limit of Flood Zone AE 100 Yr Property Line Mason’s Island Rd – Harry Austin Dr
Previously Approved Permits and Variances LOT DATA Mason’s Island Rd – Harry Austin Dr Zoning Analysis 3 Lot Data Permit Number03-04 Permit TypeCertificate of Variance Permit Date04/08/2003 Permit Expiration Date Permit StatusApproved Permit DescriptionZR red. Bldg. Line buffer from 100' to 50.1' & red. Screening in buffer from 50' to 1' on Harry Austin Permit L C Date ApplicantM.J. Holdings, LLC Application Date2/11/2003 CommissionZoning Board of Appeals DepartmentPlanning/Zoning