21 st Session of AFCAS, Accra, October 2009 Prepared by: AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK Statistical Capacity Building Program (SCB). Fessou Emessan LAWSON Principal Statistician Staistics Department Chief Economist Complex African Development Bank "Building today, a better Africa tomorrow "
Outline of The Presentation E. The Way Forward D. Implementation Arrangements B. AfDB Support to Agriculture C. The New Capacity Building Program A. The AfDB Group: The AfDB Support for Statistical Capacity Building
Eligible to ADB funding (13 Countries) Eligible to ADF funding (38 Countries) Eligible to ADB & ADF funding (2 Countries) The African Development Bank Group Through its Concessional and Non-Concessional Windows, the Bank Group addresses the diverse needs of African Countries African Development Bank (ADB) Established in 1964 Membeship: 53 RMCs + 25 N-RMCs Raises funds in the Capital Markets Lends to the African Higher income Countries Provides Assitance on the following terms: - Up to 20 years maturity including 5-year-grace period; - Market-based lending terms African Development Fund (ADF) Established in 1972 Financed by the Donors Countries Provides concessionary loans & grants to the poorest RMCs Provides Assitance on the following terms: - Up to 50 years maturity including 10-year-grace period; - Service charge of 75 basis points and commitment fee of 50 basis points starting 120 days after signature Nigeria Trust Fund (NTF) Established in 1976 by the Federal Government of Nigeria All African countries are eligible Provides Assitance on the following terms: - Up to 25 years maturity including 5-year-grace period; - Interest rate of 2% to 4% and commitment fee of 75 basis points starting 120 days after signature ADB NTF ADF
The Growth Evidence – Capacity Matters Years Growth due mainly to Investment in Capacity Growth due mainly to Exploitation of Raw Materials and Natural Resources Ghana Korea $150 $24,600 $512 $100
A.AfDB Support for Statistical Capacity Building AfDB provides assistance for statistical capacity building assistance to RMCs in the context of its regular institutional building support for economic management and monitoring and evaluation as part of its operations activities; Over the past 20 years about 70 percent of ADF Technical Assistance allocations under ADF replenishments has been allocated to regional research institution, with special focus of agricultural sector; The statistical support program was stepped up in 2004 with the launching of Phase I of its Statistical Institutional Building Program in RMCs. In context the ICP-Africa support was provided to 51 African countries to strengthen their statistical capacity in economic and social statistics;
A.AfDB Support for Statistical Capacity Building In particular, the program focused on price and national accounts, training and preparation of the NSDS. Under the program, the capacity of Sub-regional organizations and Statistical Training Centers were strengthened to assist RMCs; The context of AfDB statistical support to RMCs was reinforced by the directives of the ADF Deputies that Result Measurement would be at the core of ADF_XI Agenda; In this regard, the engagements in the new Bank Group operational orientation emphases results-focused operations; and, the Bank’s Phase II statistical capacity building (SCB) in RMCs during is being implemented with emphasis on agriculture, infrastructure etc.
Between 1967 and 2008, the Agricultural sector accounted for 16.1% (UA 7.22 billion) of the total UA billions Bank Group’s financing. B. AfDB Support to the Agricultural Sector
Bank’s Group financing in the Agriculture Sector includes also support to Agricultural Research Institutions. 1.Agricultural Research Institutions received around 70% of of Bank Group’s support to Research and Capacity Building Institutions during the past twenty years. 2.AfDB focussed mainly on agricultural productivity, poverty reduction, sustainable management of natural resources, protection of biodiversity, and rural development; 3.Two categories of beneficiaries were earmarked for financial support: (a) International Agricultural research institutions, sponsored by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) & others outside the system; (b) The African Regional and Sub-regional Agricultural Research Organizations (FARA, ASARECA, CORAF, and SACCAR). The funds allocated to the International Agricultural Research Institutions were channelled through those two categories. 1.Agricultural Research Institutions received around 70% of of Bank Group’s support to Research and Capacity Building Institutions during the past twenty years. 2.AfDB focussed mainly on agricultural productivity, poverty reduction, sustainable management of natural resources, protection of biodiversity, and rural development; 3.Two categories of beneficiaries were earmarked for financial support: (a) International Agricultural research institutions, sponsored by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) & others outside the system; (b) The African Regional and Sub-regional Agricultural Research Organizations (FARA, ASARECA, CORAF, and SACCAR). The funds allocated to the International Agricultural Research Institutions were channelled through those two categories. Definition: FARA = Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa; ASARECA = Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa; WECARD = West and Central Africa Council for Agricultural Research and Development; SACCAR = Southern African Centre for Cooperation in Agricultural Research and Training. CGIAR = Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. Definition: FARA = Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa; ASARECA = Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa; WECARD = West and Central Africa Council for Agricultural Research and Development; SACCAR = Southern African Centre for Cooperation in Agricultural Research and Training. CGIAR = Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research.
Framework of Assistance: 1.At Country level, through the NSDS Framework 2. At Regional level, SRO and countries must have the following activities at the minimum: CPI Database and Report ICP Database and Report National Accounts Database and Report Infrastructure Database and Report MDGs Report. Since 27 th November 2008, around US$ 40.0 million were earmarked for the new Statistical Capacity Building Activities in African Countries for the period The resources are exclusively used for funding activities aimed at improving statistics in RMCs, including enhancing the capacity of Sub Regional Organizations and Statistical Training Centers to assist RMCs. C.The New Statistical Capacity Building Program ( )
Scaling Up 4 Components: Continue current activities - (ICP, Price, NA, NSDS, MDGs) Improve social, economic & poverty statistics Improve statistics on ADF-XI focal areas: Agriculture and rural development; governance; infrastructure; gender; environment; and climate change Data development, archiving, and dissemination The African Development Bank is fully committed to giving priority to Agriculture as a key Sector in its financing in its current cycle of assistance up to 2010 and beyond. The African Development Bank is fully committed to giving priority to Agriculture as a key Sector in its financing in its current cycle of assistance up to 2010 and beyond.
Core MODULE AGSTAT & NSDS MODULE 1 Classification Economic & Environmental Accounts for Food and Agriculture MODULE 4 Food and Agriculture Price Module MODULE 2 Advanced Data Collection and Processing Methods Partnership Programme with FAO for Capacity Building in Agricultural Statistics. MODULE 3 Food Security Indicators MODULE 5 CountrySTAT Data Integration and Dissemination 1. Immediate Action Plan For Improved and Integrated Food and Agricultural Statistics System D.Implementation Arrangements …………
2. Medium Term Programme which should be part of FAO/AfDB Memorandum of Understanding 3. Tripartite Partnership with the World Bank and the European Commission under the umbrella of the Results Agenda. Seven Priority Actions have been defined. Objective: Improve coordination to strengthen national statistical capacity. Agreement on work program for Statistical Capacity Building in 4 pilot Countries: Ghana, Mali, Rwanda, and Mozambique The three institutions are providing support to capacity strengthening. 4. Training and Support to Statistical Training Centers: Programs design and development D.Implementation Arrangements ……………. (i) Continuing the activities from Phase I, but will cover more STCs (from 4 to 6): INSEA/Rabat; ENSAE/Dakar; (ii) The SROs will also collaborate with the STCs in organizing appropriate training for RMC officials. (iii) The institutional capacity of the STCs will be strengthened under the program. Development of training materials and coordination of training activities. STCs will also be involved in data validation and computing ICP data; (iv) STCs will receive assistance in recruiting teaching consultants in specialized areas: organization and management of national statistical offices and the national and global development agenda; agricultural and rural development statistics, gender statistics, … Consultants recruited at the regional and sub-regional levels (AFRISTAT- ENSEA/Abidjan & ENSAE/Dakar & ISSEA/Yaoundé; ECOWAS-COMESA-ISAE/Kampala; SADC-EASTC/Dar Es Salaam; AMU-INSEA/Rabat).Improving on Statistical capacity support to NSOs and lines Ministries; (v) Management of Country needs assessment and Evaluation of capacity development outcomes; Delivery of Learning Events; Distance and E-Learning. Improving Statistical capacity support to NSOs and Statistical Units in lines Ministries 5. Improving Statistical capacity support to NSOs and Statistical Units in lines Ministries
13 In UA millions, as of end-July ‘09 * PBA resources are corrected for impact of negative contingencies Bank Group should step up its support for statistical institutional capacity in the national statistical systems of RMCs; Bank’s Group should allocate additional resources to support agricultural research and agricultural statistics consdering the growing need to monitor results; Bank’s Group should enhance its support for up-dating the National Strategies for the Development of Statistics; and, in particular, integrate effective assistance for statistical activities in Agriculture and other key sectors. E.The Way Forward
Thank You for your kind attention "Building today, a better Africa tomorrow"