Autism: Intervention Strategies & Techniques John C. Burke, Ph.D. & Shawn Henry M.Ed. Kentucky Autism Training Center University of Louisville
Course Overview & Requirements
Required Reading 1. Simpson & Myles. Educating Children and Youth with Autism: Strategies for Effective Practice. Pro-Ed Publishing: Quill. Do-Watch-Listen-Say Social and Communication Intervention for Children with Autism, Brooks Publishing: Hodgdon. Visual Strategies for Improving Communication, QuickRoberts Publishing, 1996
Course Description Students examine instructional approaches used with students with autism.
Course Description Particular emphasis is on research based strategies that have shown considerable utility in facilitating increases in communication, social skills, and involvement in group activities.
In addition, the course also focuses on specific techniques to reduce the impact of the children's display of interfering behaviors.
Participants explore the implications of using different instructional approaches in combination with technology- based behavioral and instructional supports that promote generalization of skills.
Course Objectives Students will: Acquire knowledge in developing and applying instructional and behavioral supports for students with autism.
Know the essential components of several different approaches used with children with autism and be able to contrast them.
Have an in-depth understanding of principles, which underlie behavioral approaches used with students with autism and how technology can be infused with behavioral teaching principles.
Describe major learning characteristics commonly seen in students with autism including overselective responding and know general intervention strategies to target such characteristics.
Know specific strategies for successfully targeting communication skills using effective teaching strategies and augmentative communication technologies.
Demonstrate high level of proficiency in defining, targeting, and measuring social and pragmatic skills including initiations, eye- contact, turn-taking, social proximity, commenting, etc.
Know how to plan programs for increasing play, leisure, and vocational skills.
Know fundamental factors that must be considered in planing classroom structures and organizing daily activities.
Be prepared to develop a plan using effective teaching practices for promoting the inclusion of a child with autism.
Gain an understanding of methods of teaming across professionals and family members of students with autism.
Learn methods of systematically extending educational programs to involve parents, siblings, and peers of students with autism.
Course Requirements Students are required to attend classes on a regular basis through interactive chat or in the studio. The student must contact the professor prior to missing any scheduled classes.
Class participation is an essential component to your success in this course.
Grading Procedures
Grades will be determined by the quality of work performed by the student on the class activities following.
Class Participation = 25 points Three Point Summaries (15) Questions and Comments (10) Grading procedures are as follows:
Three Point Summaries (15 pnts) Prepare a brief "three point" summary for each assigned reading from the required textbooks. If there is reading from both books for the week, you only provide “ three points ” total. Provide at least three sentences per each “ point ”. The summary should convey your understanding of the material. each summary to, and on a weekly Title the with “ Three-Point Summary and date ”
These will be due on the Tuesday prior to the start of the class in relation to the respective required readings.
Mid-Term Examination The Mid-term examination will cover material from classes 1-6. The exam is due in the office by February 25, 2004.
Final Examination= 20 pnts The final examination will cover classes The format will be similar to the Midterm. The final is due in the office by April 28, 2004.
Course Project = 35 pnts This will be a cumulative project in which you will be required to identify one student with autism who is in need of a specialized intervention program.
Based on information presented in class and in the literature, the student will design a comprehensive intervention educational or home-based program for addressing the student's needs. This project will serve as a proposal for future implementation.