Early Detection of Autism (Ulrich, 2008) Early diagnosis is difficult because many infants are too young to show the traits of autism Language, difficulty expressing feelings and understanding other’s emotions, inappropriate reactions to activities around them Most diagnosis is at 2-3 years old Problematic because misses a large window of opportunity for intervention when the brain is developing a lot
Researchers are now using blood tests to look for markers of autism Identified higher proportion of immune system cells and differences in proteins among children with autism With further research, could lead to screening tests Communication problems between areas of brain Early diagnosis would allow intense early intervention to ‘rewire’ areas of brain Stimulate networks early on with the correct input Not a cure, but would help symptoms
Dr. Zwaigembaum, University of Alberta (Glenrose) Developed a 16 point observational checklist for autism behaviors among infants Evaluated 65 1-year-olds who has older siblings with autism on this scale. Children were tested at age 2 on traditional autism diagnostic tests. Of those children diagnosed with autism at 2 almost all had 7+ specific traits at 1 year. Easily irritated, difficulty with visual tracking, focused on a few objects, did not look towards speaker, few interactions with others Repetitive motions (stroking), few gestures, less receptive language
Treatments for Autism(Ritvo, 2006) Rational treatments: eliminating the cause of the disease Supportive treatments: assisting and helping skills No rational treatment for autism The earlier the treatment the better
Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) therapy Behavior Therapy Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) therapy See autism as a behavioral deficit Teach small units of behavior systematically Skills broken into steps Prompts are used Positive reinforcement (candy, smiles etc) Physical prompts (hands-on guidance) Appropriate behavior is reinforced Trials are repeated until no prompts needed Focus on increasing language, attention, imitation, social behavior, play, self-care skills.
Special Education Programs Medication Occupational Therapy Other treatments Special Education Programs Educational supports, aides, special classes Medication Occupational Therapy Sensory integration therapy Assist child in organizing and processing sensory information Teach child to compensate for their difficulty in regulating intensity of sensations Fine and Gross Motor treatment Most difficulty with fine motor skills: special programs and tools to help develop fine motor skills Play and Socialization treatment Play groups, games, cooperation and interaction
Speech and language therapy Speech: make proper sounds etc Language: use language for communication Life skills coaching Vocational training Supporting living environments Sports and hobbies Non-competitive, non-group activities