Copyrighted material John Tullis 10/2/2015 page 1 04/02/00 MQ Series Middleware Presentation John Tullis DePaul Instructor
Copyrighted material John Tullis 10/2/2015 page 2 Extranet Middleware - MQSeries System Integration Interfaces Access to legacy applications Specific interfaces Complexity Inflexibility Once built, infrastructure can be difficult to change Maintenance All of the above leads to high costs Companies are spending 40% of development dollars on integration, and... it's difficult to maintain, doesn't scale, is hard to manage, and is unreliable, so... it takes too long to get information to the right place and the integration backlog gets longer Source - a Gartner Group report
Copyrighted material John Tullis 10/2/2015 page 3 Extranet Middleware - MQSeries Typical environment
Copyrighted material John Tullis 10/2/2015 page 4 Extranet Middleware - MQSeries Typical environment Systems integration is required to link these “islands of automation”. Middleware is a solution to deal with the growth of “point to point” links.
Copyrighted material John Tullis 10/2/2015 page 5 Extranet Middleware - MQSeries Point to Point Links
Copyrighted material John Tullis 10/2/2015 page 6 Extranet Middleware - MQSeries Financial Services Company using Point to Point
Copyrighted material John Tullis 10/2/2015 page 7 Extranet Middleware - MQSeries Financial Services Company using Middleware
Copyrighted material John Tullis 10/2/2015 page 8 Extranet Middleware - MQSeries What are some Middleware choices? Microsoft - Message Queue Server BEA Tuxedo (Hewlett-Packard - Tuxedo/Q) DEC MessageQ TSI Mercator IBM MQSeries
Copyrighted material John Tullis 10/2/2015 page 9 Extranet Middleware - MQSeries Microsoft Provides transactional messaging in an NT Server-only environment -Non-NT platforms require a gateway product MSMQ-MQSeries Bridge, part of SNA Server Microsoft 'Interoperability' is connecting to MQSeries Client support for Windows 95/98/NT only Good integration with other Microsoft products -Support for C, C++, COM+, Visual Basic, etc. NT Standard Edition allows NT to NT messaging only NT Enterprise Edition must be used when messages go NT to non-NT
Copyrighted material John Tullis 10/2/2015 page 10 Extranet Middleware - MQSeries Tuxedo Provides Maximum of 80 servers per domain Inter-domain communication requires administrator work to import / export services Each application requires a process, not multi-threaded Lack of multi-threading consumes machine resources as load grows 95% of Tuxedo sales are for single machine (host) applications. Does not (yet) run on mainframe 390 systems, nor can it be invoked by CICS transactions.
Copyrighted material John Tullis 10/2/2015 page 11 Extranet Middleware - MQSeries DEC MessageQ Targeted at VMS and Alpha systems. DEC no longer exists as a separate company, acquired by Compaq for their services organization.
Copyrighted material John Tullis 10/2/2015 page 12 Extranet Middleware - MQSeries MQSeries MQSeries allows programmers to focus on the Business logic rather than communications, sharply reduces the application development cycle, reduces risk, enables faster response to unexpected changes in business needs, provides proven robustness and improves ROI 1998 Market share: 65% and growing Over 100,000 licenses and 7,000 customer sites De-facto standard Scalable from Windows to the Mainframe Transaction and Messaging Support URL: mqpdfs.html
Copyrighted material John Tullis 10/2/2015 page 13 Extranet Middleware - MQSeries MQSeries
Copyrighted material John Tullis 10/2/2015 page 14 Extranet Middleware - MQSeries MQSeries - platforms
Copyrighted material John Tullis 10/2/2015 page 15 Extranet Middleware - MQSeries MQSeries - Gartner Group viewpoint: MQSeries is..."the undisputed leader in the Messaging Middleware market" "More than half of midsize enterprises (enterprises with $100 million to $1,000 million in revenue) and more than 85 percent of large enterprises (enterprises with more than $1,000 million in revenue) will have at least one message-queuing middleware product by 2000 (0.8 probability)."
Copyrighted material John Tullis 10/2/2015 page 16 Extranet Middleware - MQSeries MQSeries - example Example - one program, called CO (for customer order) transmitting order information via the MQI to another host. On that host, another program CB (for customer billing) gets the message, does processing (stores the order and handles credit validation), and possibly returns a response.
Copyrighted material John Tullis 10/2/2015 page 17 Extranet Middleware - MQSeries MQSeries - the basics Links "nearly everything to almost anything..." Loosely-coupled flexibility via queuing Faster and safer application development Common, ease-to-use, multi-platform API Assured message delivery
Copyrighted material John Tullis 10/2/2015 page 18 Extranet Middleware - MQSeries Routing messages
Copyrighted material John Tullis 10/2/2015 page 19 Extranet Middleware - MQSeries Some definitions & concepts A Message is: A Unit of Information A Request for Service A Reply or Report An Announcement or Broadcast Audio or Video A Queue is: A Safe Place to hold Messages A Message can be protected: Across the network or System failures
Copyrighted material John Tullis 10/2/2015 page 20 Extranet Middleware - MQSeries Header: A series of message attributes understood and augmented by the Queue Manager, such as: target queue name, length of user data, message priority, reply-to queue name....etc. User Data: Any sequence of bytes Private to the sending and receiving programs Not meaningful to the Queue Manager What does a message look like?
Copyrighted material John Tullis 10/2/2015 page 21 Extranet Middleware - MQSeries Deeper look at how it works...
Copyrighted material John Tullis 10/2/2015 page 22 Extranet Middleware - MQSeries Messages Message Types Persistent Non-Persistent Message Access FIFO Priority Direct
Copyrighted material John Tullis 10/2/2015 page 23 Extranet Middleware - MQSeries Triggering
Copyrighted material John Tullis 10/2/2015 page 24 Extranet Middleware - MQSeries Message styles