Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services Robin Callahan Director of Member Policy & Program Development, Office of Medicaid Health Care Reform Implementation January 22, 2010
2 Countless moving parts Strong centralized coordination needed to track progress and share information Secretary of Health and Human Services convened weekly cross agency meetings HCR project leaders from each agency reported progress and challenges Health Care Reform Implementation
3 One front door for subsidized health programs (MassHealth, Commonwealth Care, and the Health Safety Net) Medicaid program has the staffing and systems required to determine income eligibility Adding Commonwealth Care rules to the existing eligibility system ensures maximum benefits for applicants and notice of eligibility for all family members Leveraging Existing Medicaid Infrastructure
4 These programs can be applied for online using the Virtual Gateway: 1.MassHealth, including: Children's Medical Security Plan Healthy Start Health Safety Net Commonwealth Care 2.Child Care 3.Food Stamps 4.Women Infants Children (WIC) 5.Women’s Health Network 6.Department of Mental Retardation services 7.Mass. Rehabilitation Commission services 8.Elder services 9.Mass. Commission for the Blind Services 10. Mass. Commission for the Deaf / Hard of Hearing services 11. Veterans’ Services – Holyoke / Chelsea Soldiers’ Homes Virtual Gateway – The programs
5 Virtual Gateway Award: 2008
6 Massachusetts Health Care Training Forum Massachusetts Health Care Training Forum (MTF) - Program Goal MTF communicates accurate, timely information about operations and policies of Massachusetts State Health Care Programs to community health and human service partners.
7 Massachusetts Health Care Training Forum 20 Meetings Annually in 5 locations Total Attendance annually ~ 2, Updates - Website - Outreach (Formal and Informal) North (Tewksbury) Boston Central (Shrewsbury) West (Holyoke) Southeast (Taunton)
8 Massachusetts Health Care Training Forum Formal presentations about issues related to: Eligibility/Enrollment Case Management Billing/Claims Advocacy Information directly enhances attendees’ ability to assist current and potentially eligible individuals Roundtable sessions with state experts, trainers and advocates Network opportunity for state and community organizations to build collaborative relationship
9 EOHHS Enrollment, Outreach & Access to Care Grants Grant Recipients 51 Community Based Organizations