How Clinical Cancer Trials Work in the UK Henry Kitchener, University of Manchester ANZGOG March 2013
Background The NHS has a vast budget which requires evidence to define standards of care The UK government understands this and is really committed to evidence based medicine NICE defines standards of care with national guidance This may be misconstrued as ”rationalising” but funding does require evidence of cost effectiveness.
Background UK has a prominent history of clinical trials. The public have a supportive view and understand the importance of trials. There is adequate funding for trials. There is enthusiasm amongst clinical investigators. UK is therefore fertile soil for clinical trials.
Source of funding gynaecological cancer trials CRUK Funds Phase II and III trials through CTAAC. new trials per year, across all cancer. Focus is on survival outcomes. NIHR HTA Funds mainly Phase III trials across all of clinical medicine. For cancer, focuses more on screening, quality of life, and prevention outcomes. Commercial Pharma sponsored studies and investigator led studies which a public body sponsors.
Funding model Direct costs; salaries & oncosts Indirect costs; admin & estates charges Consumables; essential materials Service support; additional investigations over standard of care “Excess treatment” costs; cost of the intervention if it were adopted after the trial. This also applies to screening.
Funding model CharitiesTreasuryPharmaHealth “Authoritiy” Direct costs Indirect costs Consumables Service support (sponsored)Local Research Network Excess treatment costs
Trial funding Trials funded by the Treasury, the AMRC and “approved” investigator led Pharma trials are put on the National Portfolio. National Portfolio trials qualify for support of research nurses. Funded through NCRN Trust obtain public R&D funding for recruiting to clinical trials.
Trial costs “Full economic costs” are part of the funding model of Universities CRUK up to £100K/year to cover direct costs NIHR HTA typically fund more complex trials which with FEC are £ K per year.
Clinical trials in the UK UK “suffers” from heavy regulation and hurdles to overcome. Despite this trials are seen as the most direct route to influencing standard of care. Can underpin a successful career “Impact” is increasingly the gold standard for effective R&D but Trials do require considerable determination and motivation.
InterGroup Trials Funders do understand the need for international participation. The GCIG is respected beyond the Gynae Cancer community. Funding is available for trials led from ANZGOG as well as from the UK; recent examples PARAGON (ANZGOG) IP Chemotherapy (NCIC)
The Future Need to reduce bureaucracy Targeted therapy Biomarker led interventions (personalised medicine) More complex trial design More expensive trials Molecular pathology (GCLP) Biobanking