The Behaviourome and Proposal for an Integrative Human Idea Map Darryl R.J. Macer, Ph.D. Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba Science City, 305, Japan Director, Eubios Ethics Institute Director, International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS) Bioethics Program
Here it is! Food!
But let us think where it is?
Inside our head?
Inside our DNA?
It is in the DNA of course?
You must be joking!
It is all food for thought - so are penguins, and so are you!
nature 14 November 2002Volume 420, 121. The next challenge is to map the human mind An ambitious project aims to chart the territory of ides: vast but, conceivably, not infinite. - Darryl Macer The human genome has been, largely, sequenced. And work continues to the proteome and transcriptome. Now comes a call to map the human behaviourome…. - Nature Editors.
The behaviourome One of the most interesting questions before a thinking being is whether we can comprehend the ideas and thoughts of other beings, and conversely whether they can also read our mind. I would argue that we have already the means to embark upon a human mental map with the goal of describing the diversity of ideas a human being makes in any given situation or dilemma. This is the behaviourome or human mental map. This is not of a physical structure but a map of ideas.
Uses of a mental map include: 1)To understand ourselves, and whether the number of ideas is really finite. 2)To compare mental maps and idea diversity between persons and species. 3)To aid in policy making to make policy that respects the diversity of people in a culture, and globally. This would help develop bioethics for the people by the people.
Uses for individual decision making 4) If we can make individual mental maps, this would offer persons assistance when making moral decisions. This would give them a chance to consider all their ideas, and to make a more considered moral choices. This would also be useful in the testing and implementation of better bioethics education.
Are the number of human ideas finite? In 1994, based on the results of the International Bioethics Survey, which gathered opinions from persons in 10 countries on 150 questions of bioethics dilemmas, I proposed that the number of human ideas is finite. Since then the evidence continues to suggest the number is finite, and thus countable! We will only know after we map them!
The map will help us develop standards to recognise diversity The development of biotechnology and use of humans in clinical trials in many countries raises fundamental questions about whether the standards used should be universal or local. The development of guidelines should be culturally sensitive in the way ethical, social and legal aspects are considered. Having a map of human ideas will enable us to reflect more diversity of ideas into policy frameworks. We will have to pay attention to ensure it is used well, and not used to dictate majority views to minorities.
How to build the map?
How to unravel the brain
Could such a plan give us any gain?
Might it not lead us to pain?
If only we could open up your brain!
Stop it now, dont show us how!
I would feel just like a cow!
Please put me back together!
Types of Ideas 1)conceptualization of physical objects 2)psychological meanings of images associated with objects (like colours) 3)Memories 4)4)plans for both short and long term future 5)intention to modify behaviour of self 6)intention to modify behaviour of surrounding beings and the environment 7)processing of sensory states 8)inhibition of a response based on immediate evolutionary benefit 9) interactive conceptualization of ideas in a community based response
Human mental map version 1 A 3 dimensional model including points which represent ideas on a matrix for all the types of ideas (9 colours at present) within a framework of 6 sides. The six sides are the ideals of self-love, love of others, loving good, loving life, with time - memories and hopes!
Lets add our heritage - memories and hopes to the four ideals in decision making! Memories include our biological, social and spiritual heritage seen in biology,medicine,society,religion… We all hope that our moral decisions will be for the best! Note: This model does not necessarily exclude beings who cannot think, as they still share a memory (history) and a future heritage.
Love of others Self love Memories Hopes Love of good Loving life (do no harm)
Mental Mapping Project All are welcome to join in the project to describe the human behaviorome. Thanks for your attending the first meeting (15-18 February, 2003 in Tsukuba TRT8), please help me construct the map that will allow us the over-arching theory of bioethics and decision making - lets build a mental map together!