American Nuclear Society Biology and Medicine Division (BMD) and the Computational Medical Physics Working Group Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors.


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Presentation transcript:

American Nuclear Society Biology and Medicine Division (BMD) and the Computational Medical Physics Working Group Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Sheldon Landsberger November 10, 2010 Las Vegas, NV

BMD Mission 1. Promote uses of radioisotopes and radiation in medical diagnosis, therapy and complex imaging techniques, and in other life science research including neutron, photon, and charged particle applications 2. Stimulate and promote the creation of specialized materials, equipment and facilities required for the pure and applied research in these areas 3. Advance and improve techniques and methodologies using nuclear and atomic radiations in nuclear medicine and other life science research and applications.

Governance Officers 2011Sheldon LandsbergerChair 2011Wayne D. NewhauserVice Chair 2011Steven R. BiegalskiSecretary/Treasurer Members 2011Steven R. Biegalski 2011Mary Pik-Wai Chin 2013Elisabete A. De Nadai Fernandes2011Sam Glover 2011Stephen P. LaMont2011Sheldon Landsberger 2013Dragan Mirkovic2012Wayne D. Newhauser 2012John D. Robertson2013Nicholas M. Spyrou 2012Bryan E. Tomlin2012Rolf L. Zeisler

Membership Trends Last 5 Years/Composition 418 end of October 2010


Budget 12 months 2009 Budget Funds Carry Forward ,816 Member Allocation 904 Total Budget 13,581 Budget Expenses Awards, Plaques Newsletters 104 Meeting Costs Officer Expense 500 Student Support Need Funding 0 Other Expenses 0 Total Expense 285 Excess Budget Funds/Expenses 12,692

Budget 12 months 2010 Actual 8 months 2010 Budget Funds Carry Forward ,692 Member Allocation 800 Total Budget Budget Expenses Awards, Plaques Newsletters 00 Meeting Costs Officer Expense 5000 Student Support Need Funding 00 Other Expenses 024 Total Expense Excess Budget Funds/Expenses ,348

Communications/Web, /Copy of Newsletter

BMD Contributions to ANS ANS Position Statements Participation with Other Professional Societies –negligible Society Leadership –negligible Non-Meeting Publications –Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry- some BMD related

BMD Meetings National Meeting Participation Topicals/Prior Two Years, Current Year, Future Two Years - Class I, Class II Topicals -Class III Topicals

Contributions to ANS Annual and Winter Meetings 2010 AM San Diego, CA BMD organized 1-day symposium on Food Irradiation with the help of Joseph Butterweck, AEMGroup as Session Organizer with one Invited Paper and one Panel Session. Session was well attended with up to 30 “outsiders” Annual Meeting Hollywood, Florida June 26-30, 20 Track 2a. Proton and Ion Treatment of Cancer. Session Organizer George Xu

Class I Meetings BMD, IRD, RSPD and CMPWG have co-sponsored the 2010 Las Vegas topical meeting of the ANS Nevada Section, Palace Station Hotel, Las Vegas, NV, April 18-23, Calendar placement was obtained for MARC-IX, March 25-30, 2012 in Kona. This meeting is sponsored by BMD, IRD, and the Northern California Section.

Class III Meetings EMBEDDED TOPICAL MEETING – 2010 ANS Winter Meeting November 8-11, 2010 Riviera Hotel Las Vegas, NV 2010 Isotopes for Medicine and Industry

Class IV Meetings On behalf of CMPWG, the Class IV Approval Request for the 5th Joint Symposium on Computational Cancer Research to the NPC and obtained approval. The meeting is endorsed by BMD, RPSD, and MCD. BMD is proposing two meetings for ANS calendar placement and approval: 3rd International Nuclear Chemistry – 3rd INCC, Sept , 2011, Citta del Mare, Palermo, Italy The 10th International Conference on Nuclear Analytical Methods in the Life Science, Jan , 2012 Bangkok, Thailand

Division Meetings Division Governance Division Contributions to Society Division Services to Membership National Meeting Participation 2009 Annual: 2 sessions, 0 panels 2009 Winter: 4 sessions, 1 panel Succession Planning 2008 succession plan implemented 2009 reviewed ANS Position Statements 19 Radon in Homes (withdrawn), 41 Health Effects of LL Radiation (draft submitted) 28 Food Irradiation (Active) Professional Development AM 2008 Tutorial 2009 “Current Status, Trends and Needs in Radiochemical Education: The USA and Abroad” Class I, Class II Topicals +/- 25 % attendance MARC (237/239) 2006 MARC VII 239/ CMPWG MARC VIII Membership Trends 453/468 mbrs +1.1% change /463 mbrs -1.1% change /452 mbrs -2.3% change /440 mbrs -2.7% change 2009 Participation with Outside Professional Societies BMD has liaison with ACMP, ISMRM and NCRP, AAPM, HPS Scholarships Vogt Scholarship (joint scholarship with IRD) Class III Topicals 2008 Embedded: Co-sponsored with IRD (72 summaries) Communications 2 newsletters in 2009 Website update in 2009 Co-sponsors Comp Med Physics WG Society Leadership 4 of 4 PDC Mtgs., 75% Exec. Comm. 4 of 4 NPC BoD presentation in 2008 Peer Recognition/ Awards 2009 Radiation Science & Technology Award The Hevesy Medal Division Planning 2009 Strategic Plan Non-Meeting Publications BMD helped update the ANS Radiation Dose Chart and wrote responses to public inquiry about radiation “Current Status, Trends and Needs in Radiochemical Education: The US and Abroad” book Student Support 2009 Student Conference Division’s Commitment to YMG Liaison appointed; subcommittee in place 2009 organized session for Young Professionals Congress Professional Division Metrics BMD Vitality Measures – CY 2009

Summary Status of Division/TG Metrics and Measures –All adequate List Areas of Success –Computational Medical Physics Working Group Focus for Future Action –Computational Medical Physics Working Group –Increase Membership