SARC Developmental Therapeutics Committee Update Chand Khanna Open Science: Biology to Therapy” SARC Developmental Therapeutics Committee Update Chand Khanna Chawla/Rosenfeld Developmental Therapeutics Symposium “Open Science: Biology to Therapy” SARC Developmental Therapeutics
SARC-DTC Members Chand Khanna, DVM, PhD (NCI) Chair Poul Sorenson, MD, PhD (UBC/BC Cancer Agency) Raphael Pollock, MD, PhD (MD Anderson) Kapil Dhingra, MD (KAPital Consulting) Jeffrey Trent, PhD (Tgen) David Kirsch, MD, PhD (Duke University) Peter Houghton, PhD (Ohio State University) *Shreyaskumar Patel, MD (MD Anderson) *Denise Reinke, MS, NP (SARC) *Ex Officio
SARC Developmental Therapeutics Committee (DTC To establish an integrated and facile SARC effort closely aligned with the interests of pharmaceutical industry that can provide preclinical and translational data in sarcoma
SARC – Development Therapeutics Committee Investigative Centers Providing SARC-DTC Services Sponsoring Pharmaceutical Partner Investigative Centers defined through SARC- DTC Investigative Centers engaged by SARC-DTC through Master Services Agreement SARC-DTC work scope managed through a research contract with Sponsors SARC-DTC Preclinical and Translational Study Report SARC-DTC Preclinical and Translational Infrastructure
SARC – Development Therapeutics Committee Investigative Centers Providing SARC-DTC Services Investigative Centers defined through SARC- DTC Investigative Centers engaged by SARC-DTC through Master Services Agreement SARC-DTC Preclinical and Translational Infrastructure Current Investigative Center Portfolio >50 Sarcoma Cell Lines >30 Sarcoma Xenografts Sarcoma tissues Frozen tissues Sarcoma Tissue Arrays Genomics (SARComics Portal)
SARC-DTC Preclinical and Translational Infrastructure Expansion of drug opportunities/assets for SARC clinical development through the development of preclinical and translational data in sarcoma Prioritization of SARC developmental path Opportunity to inform phase 1 and phase 2 transitions within SARC clinical development path Please help spread the word to interested parties of the opportunities to generate preclinical data in sarcoma through SARC
SARC-Omics Portal To provide sarcoma investigators a consolidated portal for curation and viewing of “omics” data. To be developed through a collaboration of TGEN and SARC Screen shots expected at the SARC/CTOS 2013 in a matter of minutes…
SARC Developmental Therapeutics Committee Update Chand Khanna SARC Developmental Therapeutics Committee Update Chand Khanna Chawla/Rosenfeld Developmental Therapeutics Symposium Chawla/Rosenfeld Developmental Therapeutics Symposium
Chawla Rosenfeld Developmental Therapeutics Symposium Open Science: Biology to Therapy A Case for Open-Source Drug Discovery – J. Bradner Anti-angiogenic activity of JQ1 in Sarcomas – H. Bid The Sarcoma Data Portal: Making High Content Sarcoma Datasets Available For All Users – J. Keats Discussion (20 min)