MARS Geodatabase (5.1.1): and Pressure data 18.-19.5.2015 Ljubljana.


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Presentation transcript:

MARS Geodatabase (5.1.1): and Pressure data Ljubljana

WP5 to quantify interactions among stressors, and their combined effect on indicators, across large regions and for Europe as a whole, based on existing European databases and modelling tools. Subtask 5.1.1: compile and integrate European-level data in a geo- matrix (GIS reference layers WISE SubUnits RBDs layer, ECRINS; CCM layer, EEA’s EU groundwater body, EEA reference grids, EU regional and global map; data resulting from various European-wide databases and models; additional relevant data, e.g. satellite data which are pro-cessed and ready for use, and targeted data from river basin authorities) Spatial data to follow INSPIRE basics: geographic coordinate system: ETRS89 to be projected in LAEA extent of MARS geodatabase:

ECRINS FEC-s (“C_Zhyd” grey line) ECRINS RIVERS (“C-tr” blue lines). FEC layer: FUNCTIONAL ELEMENTARY CATCHMENT, derived from CCM2 dataset by EEA; number of polygons: ; 7466 km2 the largest; 0.01 km2 the smallest; the average size is 50 km2; RIVERS layer; polylines, topologically connected to FEC; objects; 7466 km the largest; 0.01 km the smallest; the average size is 50 km). “ECRINS_Rivers_123order” ; “ECRINS_Catch_order1” Rivers_1order; “ECRINS_Catch_order2”

Extent of CORINE land cover (green line): ? MARS geodatabase extent Variant 1. EU MS+WBs+Turkey Black Sea tributaries+Baltic Sea Variant 2: Var 1+Black sea catchment tributaries+Tigris – Euphrates river system Variant 3: var 2+ White Sea

For the MARS purposes we have updated attributive part of the ECRINS RIVERS layer (»ECRINS_Rivers_123order«): selected segments that lie or represents first, second and third order catchments; they were assigned the same order (attribute ‘M_order’ added); All segments of rivers that are 1st, 2nd and 3rd order were assigned unique river identifier (‘M_Rriver_ID’ code).. some segments in ECRINS do not have any code; some missed segments were added All segment of rivers have been assigned river names; there are three possibilities for river name (two possible national and international); All segments were assigned information on a distance of its source (length of river from its source; information on a distance from its mouth is already in the ECRINS database; All rivers segments were assigned information of average altitude (derived from EEA DEM data); All rivers segments were assigned information of upstream catchment area via FEC’s “hinterland polygons” (explained in the case of the Drava river catchment) 85 rivers 1st order with F >10000 km2 62 rivers 2nd order with F> km2 18 rivers 3rd order with F> km2

Hinterland (drainage area) of a FEC: case a FEC with SoE stations (river water quality) FEC code with WISE SoE station (“ZHYD”) Size of WISE SOE stations catchments (hinterland size) [ Area_km2] F F F F F F F examples:

Spatial untis for the analysis/visualisation and communication to managers: Countries, RBD, SURBD, aggregated FECs, catchments, subcatchments…

RBD: 198 objects (clipped with coastal line Spatial untis for the analysis/visualisation and communication to managers: Countries, RBD, SURBD, aggregated FECs, catchments, subcatchments… WFD reported “SubUnits RBD (SURBD)”: 306 objects (clipped with coastal line

Regional Seas catchments:

SubUnits by FEC: -Inside country: aggre FEC into SUFEC FEC (light grey) NUTS2 (red) - FEC not positioned in one NUT: procudures (rules) prepared to link them

Pressures: data in tables (linked via codes to spatial objects) and aggregated by spatial units For each hinterland polygon various type of pressures are quantified, qualitatively determined, described by classes or spatially related: CORINE land cover (share/absolute value of land cover classes): agricultural, urban, forest, water and wetlands population density and inhabitants count number of point source emissions (industrial, communal) “degree of urbanization” (data transferred from NUTS 2) or number of large cities, number of urban waste water treatment plants population connected to waste water treatment by level of treatment emission load of urban waste water (N, P) …… UWWTD databse agricultural production (crop products yield, poultry, milk and milk products, livestock and meat) and use of fertilizers (data transferred from NUTS 2), industrial facilities and pollutant releases (E-PRTR database) - mineral, energy, paper and wood production and processing, intensive livestock production and aquaculture, beverage sector), number of dams and other hydrotechnical structure percentage of hydropower potential use for electricity production (potential calculated from average annual discharge or river and hydrographical head)

Other pressure data and hydrophysical descriptors For each hinterland polygon also other pressures pre-prepared: motorway and railway transport network (length/distance to river), goods transport by inland waterways (data transferred from NUTS 2), waste production and management (from E-PRTR, data transferred from NUTS 2). Other parameters: share of ecoregions and bioregions share of natural areas or semi-natural areas along river(s), soil properties geology- hydrogeology/lithology Hydrology: for each hinterland polygon hydrological and other natural characteristics parameters: average yearly rainfall and temperature runoff coefficient surface water resources as average yearly river discharge length of river from source hydrographical head altitude of downstream section the highest peak (Hmax) average slope average catchment altitude Q95,Q5 (low water)

Data available: On NUTS level: numbers, classes In rasters: In Spatial form: points with LL,lines, polygons Data to be transferred to FECs or lines (rivers) ……building MARS datamodel