Campus Safety is up to YOU The mission of Adams State Police Department is, in stewardship of the authority with which we are entrusted, in partnership with the community we serve, to maintain a safe and orderly environment for learning and working.
CRIMINAL ACTIVITY = trust your instincts When in doubt – call us out! RIGHT NOW – 911 PRETTY QUICK – Sometime
CRIMINAL ACTIVITY Protect yourself first Call 911 Remember at least ONE THING about the suspicious person Stay with the police dispatcher until an officer arrives IF it is safe to stay
Medical Emergency When in doubt – call us out! RIGHT NOW – 911 PRETTY QUICK – Sometime
MEDICAL EMERGENCY PROTECT YOURSELF FIRST LEAVE THE PERSON WHERE THEY ARE (unless evacuation is essential) Call 911 whether the victim wants you to or not and follow the dispatcher’s instructions
Smoke, Fire, Explosion
PROTECT YOURSELF FIRST Call 911 and activate the fire alarm AFTER calling, consider using extinguisher ALWAYS EVACUATE WHEN YOU HEAR AN ALARM –Use stairs and get far away from the building –Return to building only with OFFICIAL all- clear Smoke, Fire, Explosion
–Decide whether to GET DOWN or GET OUT –“protect in place” may be as safe or safer than evacuation EVACUATIONS
–IF YOU GET OUT!: Look ahead: Is your exit path safe? Don’t use elevators Assist those who need help getting out »Protect in place OR alert rescuers OR get help to lift
BOMB THREATS - Suspicious items When in doubt – call us out! RIGHT NOW – 911 PRETTY QUICK – Sometime
BOMB THREATS Listen to a threat caller, write it down, use the check sheet where possible CALL 911 “PROTECT IN PLACE” FIRST Evacuate only by order OR if you SEE a device
A few words about bombs Bombs can look like anything Bomb threats are often used to manipulate institutions Most interior devices are anti-personnel (they injure from shrapnel, not concussion or building collapse, therefore the best protection is keeping a wall between you and the device)
HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: Chemical or Biological Spills
HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Get down or get out! –Protect in place if instructed: shut doors and windows Call 911 from a safe place – don’t risk any electrical current from phones, cells, or light switches, etc. When in doubt, handle as a fire alarm: –Sound the building fire alarm –Evacuate – avoiding the area of contamination –Get FAR away and WAIT for EMS/FIRE to check you
Psychological Crisis
PROTECT YOURSELF FIRST Signs of psychological distress –Threats of harm or self harm –Under influence of alcohol or other drugs –Disorganized speech –Uncontrolled behavior –Manifested anger –Sudden changes –Perceptual delusions
STUDENTS OF CONCERN reporting points: Use Early Alerts Counseling Center Student Affairs Web ASCPD
Severe Weather
Watches – keep “watching” for storms WARNINGS - get down! or get out! –Protecting in place Interior, protected structure Away from windows Keep away from cordoned off areas
Review: # 1 – When in doubt, call us out # 2 – Get DOWN or Get OUT! # 3 – Protect yourself first EMERGENCY PROCEDURES