My Business Plan: pet care My name: SOE MOE KHING
Type of business I want to make a small pet care business. I will work alone and I will serve for animals owner.
Product or Service I will provide care dogs cats.
Why this business? I like this business because I love animals.
Location Where: I will locate in St. Paul. Own/Lease: I will lease. Description: I will need a small building. Neighborhood: I want to be in my neighborhood. Why this location: I like this location because I know this location and near my home.
The Industry Description: My business in the recreation industry. Future projections: Animals caretakers=percent growth Well above average.
Hours of Operation I will open on Mon-Fri at 9;00-5;00pm.
The Market Customers: I think pets owners in my area will use my business.
Competition What/Who: competition others pet care. Evaluation: I think the competition will be difficult.
Strategies Why customers will choose my business: Customers will choose my business because pet owners have my area.
Advertising How customers will learn about my business: customers will learn my business from neighbor, flier, brochure and from the sign.
Management Manager: I will manage my business. Experience: I have two years experience in Malaysia. Responsibilities: The manager will be in charge of buying, planning, financing, and leasing.
Personnel Number of employees: 0. Search: na.
Financials Needs: Rent-3,000 advertising-500 equipment-3,000 supplies-3,000 Fund sources: Bank- Government- NDC
The End