Jere – PM, business Teemu - business Saila - business Yohannes - Programming Santeri – Design Siqi - Programming
Strengths: 3 business guys Clear goal Already existing customer base/marketing channel? Weakness: Not knowing the platform Not enough hardware
To develop an iPad native application First of a kind ->Demo Distribution, business research: App store if it’s possible Or on the HammerKit website Customer problem; Hammerkit doesn’t work properly on iPad
Strenghts: easy to use, enables quick presentation for web design customers, innovative service, business model, marketing channels Weaknesses: good enough app with new commands? small company, pro programmers/beginners (what’s the focus group?), marketing channels? Opportunities: iPad version (first one), start-up, growing industry, loyal fanbase (apple), every designer has an iPad, new upcoming tablet devices(open software/pc) Threats: Finland tax system (higher prices), new & rising competitors, funding, apple policies, small company
Research the solutions for native applications Introduce ourselves to HammerKit & iPad properly Sharing our findings through dropbox Get the market researches etc. from HammerKit Do the demo, wireframe mock-up, business plan
Tasks to do during the last weeks: W47: Wireframe & UI ideas (mock-up done) Everybody W47-49:Customer feedback (questionnaire, newsletter, interviews?) & Social medias Ms. Jämsén, Mr. Siponen & Mr. Virta W46 & W48:Update Marketing Plan, Sales pitch, business plan Everybody If we have time, do the native version of the demo Mr. Hao & Mr. Loga
Status: Learning more about the functions and usage of Hammerkit site. The idea is crystal clear. We have research the solutions for native applications. First user stories done Get more information about iPad. Risks: Time and schedules -> schedules must be kept and deadlines met The difficulty of native application (doing the business research for it) Next steps: Everyone learning more about the functions and usage of Hammerkit. General knowledge of iPad and its functions. Reading the Apple SDK documention. Starting the Gant chart Meeting with Jani Starting the business research
Possible iPad tutorial for hammerkit Video about a customer pointing out things he wants on his website and the designer making it