Introduction to HTML5 By Sam Nasr, MCAD, MCT, MCTS, MVP Nasr Information Systems October 22, 2013
Introduction Sam Nasr Software developer since 1995 Independent Software Consultant (Nasr Information Systems) MCAD, MCT, MCTS(WSS/MOSS) President - Cleveland C#/VB.Net User Group President – Cleveland WPF User Group President -.Net Study Group INETA Mentor for Ohio INETA Community Champ (2010, 2013) Author for Visual Studio Magazine Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (2013)
Housekeeping Forum for learning Feel free to ask questions Cell Phones on vibrate please
Agenda Browser Compatibility New Features in HTML5 Simplified Markup New Attributes New Tags New Features in CSS3 Selectors Advanced Layout and Animation New JavaScript API
Why HTML5? Ubiquitous Ease of Development Widely Supported Forged by many tech leaders Better Performance More Capabilities
Browser Support
Simplified Markup HTML4: HTML5:
Simplified Markup HTML4: HTML5:
Simplified Markup HTML4: HTML5:
Simplified Markup HTML4: … HTML5: …
New Tags articleembedmarkruby asidefigcaptionmetersection audiofigurenavsource canvasfooteroutputsummary commandheaderprogresstime datalisthgrouprpvideo detailskeygenrtwbr
Non-Semantic Markup
Semantic Markup
Semantic My Page Life, The Universe and Everything Page Navigation News Sports Weather Breaking News The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog Side Note Oh, by the way Copyright 2012 (c) My Page Life, The Universe and Everything Page Navigation News Sports Weather Breaking News The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog Side Note Oh, by the way Copyright 2012 (c)
Context methods beginPath() moveTo() lineTo() fill() fillRect() arc()
Canvas vs. SVG Canvas Not a drawing object, only a container Only used for drawing and redrawing via JavaScript Used for many HTML5 games due to performance impact SVG Every object manipulated via the DOM Could have performance issues if using many objects
New Attributes <input type="text" name="First" autofocus placeholder="Enter First Name" />
Input Types <input type= "color" "date" "datetime" "datetime-local" " " "month" "number" "range" "search" "tel" "time" "url" "week"
Validation input:required { border:3px solid red; } input:valid { border:3px solid gray; }
Video The browser will use the first recognized format.
Video Support
Audio Support
Demo HTML5
CSS3 Selectors PositionValuesMisc :first-child :last-child :first-of-type :last-of-type :only-of-type :nth-child(#) :nth-last-child(#) :nth-of-type(#) :nth-last-of- type(#) [attr^=value] [attr$=value] [attr*=value] :root :empty :target :not(…) ::selection
CSS3 Selectors Visible StateValidation :enabled :disabled :checked :valid :invalid :optional :required
Compatibility StyleBrowser(s) feature[W3C Standard] -ms-featureIE -moz-featureFirefox -webkit-featureSafari and Chrome -o-featureOpera #title { transform:rotate(-15deg); -ms-transform:rotate(-15deg); -moz-transform:rotate(-15deg); -webkit-transform:rotate(-15deg); -o-transform:rotate(-15deg); } Ex:
{ font-family: FriendlyFontName; src: url('fontname.woff') format('woff'); } selector { font-family: FriendlyFontName; }
Text Shadows div { text-shadow: horizontal-offset vertical-offset blur color; } The Long, Dark Tea Time of the Soul
Resize selector { resize: both; /* none|horizontal|vertical */ overflow: auto; /* required */ max-width: 600px; /* optional */ max-height: 800px; /* optional */ }
Rounded Corners selector { border-radius: 2em; } selector { border-top-left-radius:2em; border-bottom-left-radius:2em; }
Transform Rotate Skew Scale
Rotate.rotate { transform:rotate(-15deg); -ms-transform:rotate(-15deg); /* IE */ -moz-transform:rotate(-15deg); /* Firefox */ -webkit-transform:rotate(-15deg); /* Safari, Chrome */ -o-transform:rotate(-15deg); /* Opera */ } rotate
Skew Selector { transform: skewX(xdeg); -ms-transform: skewX(xdeg); -moz-transform: skewX(xdeg); -webkit-transform: skewX(xdeg); -o-transform: skewX(xdeg); } selector { transform: skewY(ydeg); -ms-transform: skewY(ydeg); -moz-transform: skewY(ydeg); -webkit-transform: skewY(ydeg); -o-transform: skewY(ydeg); } selector { transform: skew(xdeg, ydeg); -ms-transform: skew(xdeg, ydeg); -moz-transform: skew(xdeg, ydeg); -webkit-transform: skew(xdeg, ydeg); -o-transform: skew(xdeg, ydeg); }
Scale Selector { transform: scale(factor); -ms-transform: scale(factor); -moz-transform: scale(factor); -webkit-transform: scale(factor); -o-transform: scale(factor); } Selector { transform: scaleX(factor); -ms-transform: scaleX(factor); -moz-transform: scaleX(factor); -webkit-transform: scaleX(factor); -o-transform: scaleX(factor); } Selector { transform: scaleY(factor); -ms-transform: scaleY(factor); -moz-transform: scaleY(factor); -webkit-transform: scaleY(factor); -o-transform: scaleY(factor); }
Demo CSS3
data- attributes var div = getElementById("fName"); var fn = div.dataset("firstname");
Web Storage Capacity: 2-10MB (W3C recommends 5MB) Local Storage vs Session Storage
Demo JavaScript API
Recap Browser Compatibility New Features in HTML5 Simplified Markup New Attributes New Tags New Features in CSS3 Selectors Advanced Layout and Animation New JavaScript API
Resources HTML5 Rocks Developing HTML5 Jump Start Apps-Jump-Start.Net Study Group
Contact Info Thank you for attending!