Academic Research and Chapter 12 & 13 Part 2
How would you explain this process in an essay?
Review of Types of clues In your groups, write a sentence for each type of clue: Context Example Contrast Logic
REMEMBER: Some word seem to have prefixes, but don’t: interest inter + est? in + terest?
Roots carry the basic or core meaning of the word
P 295 in book: see chart For the final, you will need to know the meanings of prefixes and roots in order to give me a definition of the word: Retrospect: “retro” means backward and “spect” means see or look Retrospect means to look back. For the final, be able to define “root,” “prefix,” and “suffix.”
Prefixes change a word’s meaning
Suffixes change a word’s form (part of speech) The Parts of speech are the eight categories of the function of a word. Three basic functions are to show action (verb) to indicate a thing (noun), to describe (adjectives, adverbs),
Prefixes referring to amount or number bimonthly equidistant microscope multifaceted polyglot semisweet, semiconscious unilateral From Online Etymology DictionaryOnline Etymology Dictionary Polyglot: c.1645, from Gk. polyglottos "speaking many languages," lit. "many-tongued,” from polys "many" (see poly-) +poly- glotta, Attic variant of glossa "language," lit. "tongue."
Prefixes indicating direction, location, or placement circumlocution: To talk around a topic, not direct detract, defrost hyperactivity, hyperbole hyperbole: 1529, from L. hyperbole, from Gk. Hyperbole "exaggeration, extravagance," from hyperballein "to throw over or beyond," from hyper- "beyond" + bol-, nom. stem of ballein "to throw." intramural retroactive superman, superlative
not in book: ante – before – antecedents = one who goes before you co – with, together – cooperate = auto - self
Prefixes meaning “not” amoral (vs immoral) il – not – illegal im – not – impossible in – not – inactive ir – not - irregular
Suffixes – listed in book, but in different order please note spelling! awe+full = awful
Brain teasers: Provide another word with the same prefix and one with the same root. THIS WILL BE ON OUR EXAM! WordSame prefixSame root intercedeinteractrecede antipathyantisocialsympathy bicyclebilateralrecycle contradictcontroversydiction immortalimmaturemortician, Morticia Adams inaudible invisible introspective inspirational microscopic misplaced postscriptpostpartumtranscript recognitionreenact retroactiveretrospective subvertsubhumanrevert teleport
Using Reference Sources
Thesaurus – a dictionary of synonyms and antonyms
costly Longman Online Dictionary: Don’t confuse the different shades of meaning: a costly house, a costly mistake, but a costly house is not a disastrous house! If you don’t know the shade (deleterious), don’t use it.
Review all of 12 & 13