Sixth Framework Programme Specific Support Action EC-INCO-CT M I S S I O N WP3. Sorbents and Catalysts for Environmental Protection Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences The advance in catalytic and sorption technologies is closely connected with the recent developments in materials science and engineering
Sixth Framework Programme Specific Support Action EC-INCO-CT M I S S I O N Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences WP 03Objectives The objectives of this WP are accumulation and critical analysis in the specific topics of catalytic and adsorption technologies for environmental protection, especially: catalysts and storage catalysts for purification of waste gases and waters; new active catalysts and processes for neutralization of gases containing nitrogen oxides, toxic organic compounds, catalytic ozonation of waste gases and waters; adsorbents for treatment of waste gases and waters; synthesis of active materials with defined structure for recuperation of toxic organic compounds from industrial sources.
Sixth Framework Programme Specific Support Action EC-INCO-CT M I S S I O N Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences The strategic objective of WP03 is to contribute to the improvement of the environmental protection by application of new methods and materials. The specific objective is to organize studies, training, expert activities on national level and EU collaboration in the field of sorbents and catalysts for environmental protection. Establishment of contacts with leading EU institutions. Distribution of knowledge on specific topics of catalytic and adsorption technologies for environmental protection. WP 03Objectives
Sixth Framework Programme Specific Support Action EC-INCO-CT M I S S I O N Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences WP 03 Description of work Supervising PhD students and young specialists in the field of environmental protection Creation of network with scientific institutions in Bulgaria, EU and ACCs in the field of environmental catalysis Invitation of internationally recognized scientists for teaching and training activities International exchange of young and senior scientists Preparation of a new projects in collaboration with EU scientists
Sixth Framework Programme Specific Support Action EC-INCO-CT M I S S I O N Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences WP 03 Deliverables Database on sorbents and catalysts for environmental protection Report on network PhD theses Progress report Scientific communications and review papers
Sixth Framework Programme Specific Support Action EC-INCO-CT M I S S I O N Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences WP 03 Milestones and expected results Critical analysis of existing knowledge Establishment of contacts with leading EU institutions Suggesting the future research needs Building of RTD capacity of the country Increasing of job opportunities of young scientists New databases
Sixth Framework Programme Specific Support Action EC-INCO-CT M I S S I O N Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences As a result, the contribution of the MISSION to the environmental protection will be realised by: 1.Solving specific pollution problems 2.Expertise activities 3.Consultations Final target: To improve of the quality of life by decreasing the pollution