Directive 98/83/EC « water intended for human consumption » of 3 November 1998 Ministère de la Santé, de la jeunesse, des sports et de la vie associative Warsaw 2-5 June 2009 Training on water quality monitoring for State Sanitary Inspection Workshop on Reporting Responsibilities for providing information to the Public in France Pierre Chantrel International Office for Water PARIS
The Directive requirements regarding information exemptions (art. 3), exemptions (art. 3), private in-house facilities (art. 6.3), private in-house facilities (art. 6.3), case of non-compliance with quality (art. 8), case of non-compliance with quality (art. 8), derogation & conditions (art. 9), derogation & conditions (art. 9), public access to information (art. 13), public access to information (art. 13), three-yearly report (art. 13), three-yearly report (art. 13), postponement of the implementation deadlines (art. 15). postponement of the implementation deadlines (art. 15).
The new French regulation : The provisions of Directive 98/83 have been transposed by the Decree of 20 December 2001 And The provisions of Decree n° have been “codified” as articles R to R in the Public Health Code
A fundamental principle The analyses of drinking water are administrative documents & as such can be provided to anybody who requests them.
Information to the Public Constant information on water quality Suited information with advices so that the consumer’s safety is ensured.
Sharing of responsibilities in France These are defined by Decree The State, The State, The Mayor, The Mayor, The PPPRWS * The PPPRWS * Companies providing water to the public Companies providing water to the public ( schools, hospitals, restaurants…) ( schools, hospitals, restaurants…) * PPPRWS: public or private person responsible for water supply (cf. next slide)
ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITIES PUBLIC OR PRIVATE PERSONS RESPONSIBLE FOR WATER SUPPLY (PPPRWS) French Water Stakeholders/Actors regulations Regulations at local level (under the Mayor ’s authority) the facilities in charge ofIn charge ofoperates prepares controls Public health (he/she cannot delegate) Water supply (he/she can delegate) thethe implementation of the Water supply Ministry of Health Prefect (DDASS) Mayor Contracting authority Water supplier
The Mayor’s duties He/she displays, within two days, the results of the health control analyses, He/she adds to the consumer’s invoice the essential elements on water quality, He/she presents to the town-council the yearly report on water quality.
The Mayor’s duties For towns with more than 3,500 inhabitants: For towns with more than 3,500 inhabitants: -He/she makes the yearly report available to the public, -He/she publishes, in the administrative records, the yearly summary report transmitted by the Prefect.
General information to the Public In addition to the information specific to each water supply: Departmental reports Departmental reports Regional reports Regional reports River basin reports (for water agencies policies) River basin reports (for water agencies policies) National Reports National Reports Reports for specific sectors or parameters, progress reports,… Reports for specific sectors or parameters, progress reports,… Documents including DW quality information… for instance national leaflets Documents including DW quality information… for instance national leaflets Websites Websites
Reporting to the European Commission Every three years (1st report: ) Every three years (1st report: ) Especially dealing with: national legal provisions, national legal provisions, organisation for implementing them, organisation for implementing them, quality of : quality of : surface waters used for producing drinking water, supplied waters. In compliance with the Directives : 75/440 (raw and surface waters), 79/869 (sampling & analysis methods), 91/692 (reporting), 98/83 (water intended for human consumption).
Reporting to the European Commission On raw waters : On raw waters : - waters classified A3 and not compliant with standards, with standards, - management plans, - derogations … On supplied waters: On supplied waters: - number of facilities, number of analyses, - non-compliant water supplies, - derogations …
Information on water quality * In case water supplying is operated directly by the Municipality itself APPROVED LAB. PREFECT D.D.A.S.S. Health results/interpretation Summary note Periodic health report Analysis report of the laboratory PUBLIC MUNICIPALITY MAYOR Annual report of the public water utility : cost and quality Results of self monitoring Draws up NON COMPLIANCE & INCIDENTS ANNUAL REPORT > 3500 inhab.
Information on water quality * In case the Mayor, the Contracting authority and the Operator are different PPPRWS ( public or private personResponsible for water supply ) see role (s) : « Water stakeholders in France » APPROVED LAB. PREFECT D.D.A.S.S. Health results/interpretation Summary note Periodic health report MAYOR Analysis report of the laboratory WATER SUPPLIER Private company or municipal utilities PUBLIC CONTRACTING AUTHORITY Annual report of the public water utility : cost and quality > 3,500 inhab. NON COMPLIANCE & INCIDENTS Results of self monitoring Draws up
General Health Directorate (Ministry of Health) Regional/Departmental environmental health divisions Laboratories « SISE-EAUX » national monitoring system -Sample and analyse water samples - validate analysis results (analytical validation) - Lab transfers analysis results through « SISE-EAUX » - manage regional network descriptors - validate analysis results in « SISE-EAUX » (control management validation) - generate reports for consumers - DGS centralises validated analysis results - generates European and national reports - in charge of the evolution of « SISE-EAUX » Daily risk management and information flow
ORGANIZATION OF LOCAL COMMUNITIES 22 Regions 100 Departments Municipalities ―9 Urban communities ―165 Districts ― Multi-purpose Intermunicipality Syndicates
0 to 500 inhab Total population : to inhab Total population : to inhab Total population : to inhab. 738 Total population : to inhab. 67 Total population : > inhab. 36 Total population : Distribution of municipalities per number of inhabitants ORGANIZATION OF LOCAL COMMUNITIES
Transmission of health control analysis (MoH) and monitoring results* (art.17 and 18) Control results: transmission/availability –analyses :Labo. Prefect & PPPRWS –results of health control :Prefect Mayor Monitoring* : availability / signalling of –incidents and information that may have effects on health –distribution > 3,500 inhabitants :. yearly report (monitoring & works). Monitoring plan for the following year PPPRWS Prefect * Also formerly called self-monitoring
Information in case of non-compliance (art. 19 to 23) –Situation of non-compliance –Causes of non-compliance –Definition and implementation of corrective measures * –Restrictions/interruption of water supply * Corrective measures taken at the initiative of PPPRWS itself or on the Prefect’s request Communication : PPPRWS Mayor/Prefect & Information and advices to the consumers
Information in case of derogation (art. 24) (art. 24) Quick and appropriate information: –on the derogation –on related conditions –on the population groups with specific risk with specific risk Progress report on: –works –the results of the monitoring and control during the duration of the derogation transmitted By PPPRWS Prefect Information & advices to the population
Information when there is a risk of non compliance linked to in-house facilities –Corrective measures that could be taken by the owners –Corrective measures that the consumers should take Postponement of the coming into force Postponement of the coming into force Information & advices Owners & consumers (art. 31) Information & advices to the population and groups of populations with specific risk linked to the postponement (art. 51)
Ministère de la Santé, de la jeunesse, des sports et de la vie associative Warsaw 2-5 June 2009 Training on water quality monitoring for State Sanitary Inspection THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Pierre Chantrel International Office for Water PARIS