CCRS Ecclesiology: What does it mean for the Church to be Church? Session II Revd Dr Gareth Leyshon Archdiocese of Cardiff
CCRS Ecclesiology Session II: Cardinal Dulles – Models of Church Our local community – the Parish Ministries: Ordinary and Extraordinary Mid-Course Feedback
CCRS Ecclesiology Dulles: Models of the Church
Models by Dulles Model 1: INSTITUTION Visible Society Visible Structures Hostage to History? Robert Bellarmine: the Church is a society as visible and palpable as the community of the Roman people, or the kingdom of France, or the Republic of Venice.
Models by Dulles Model 2: MYSTICAL COMMUNION Interior Communion Mystical Body People of God Lacks need for structures? Dulles: A supernatural organism vivified by the Holy Spirit.
Models by Dulles Model 3: CHURCH AS SACRAMENT Visible sign of an invisible reality A symbol which really is that which it symbolises What about Mission? Henri de Lubac: If Christ is the Sacrament of God, the Church is for us the sacrament of Christ; she represents him, in the full and ancient meaning of the term, she really makes him present.
Models by Dulles Model 4: CHURCH AS HERALD The receptacle of the Word of God Responsible for proclaiming that Word A witness to the message. Too distant from Christ? Richard MacBrien: The Church [is a] community which holds aloft, through the preached Word, the wonderful deeds of God in the past, particularly his mighty act in Jesus Christ.
Models by Dulles Model 5: CHURCH AS SERVANT Respects distinction of Church and World Church seeks to reconcile and heal Makes Kingdom Present Focus on human need rather than God? Loses prophetic dimension? William Temple (Archbishop of Canterbury): The Church is the only organisation which exists for those who are not its members.
TASK 3 How well does your assigned model fit your parish?
Feedback from last weeks assigned task: What roles does your parish have which are not seen in the Sunday assembly but are an important part of being church?
People: A Gods Eye View
God Chose Israel
Some were baptised...
... Gentiles too...
... and filled with Gods Spirit.
Christ chose APOSTLES...
... who ordained deacons...
... and elders (prebyters).
Behold, the Church!
What about religious?
A mark on the soul? Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Orders confer a character. Religious profession does not.
The Hierarchy Bishop Priest Deacon Confirmed Christian Baptised Christian Catechumen Non-Christian EXTRA RESPONSIBILITY Archbishop; Pope Dean (Archdeacon)
The Hierarchy Bishop Priest Deacon Confirmed Christian Baptised Christian Catechumen Non-Christian HONOURS Monsignor, Canon Papal awards
Ministers of the Sacraments ORDINARY Bishop, for Confirmation EXTRAORDINARY – when neccessary Priest, confirming a student Lay Ministers of Holy Communion ILLICIT – shouldnt, but it works Society of Pius X priest celebrating Mass INVALID – it doesnt work A deacon attempts to anoint a sick person A non-ordained person conducts Eucharist
REMEMBER! Theres more to being Church than Mass!
LUMEN GENTIUM (Vatican II) CHAPTER I: THE MYSTERY OF THE CHURCH #1-#7 Gods loving plan was to save humanity from sin and make them members of his church. #8 The visible structures and the bonds of charity between members form one complex reality, both human and divine – yet its members are sinners! Dulles 1: Institution Dulles 2: Mystical Body
LUMEN GENTIUM (Vatican II) CHAPTER II: ON THE PEOPLE OF GOD #9 God calls his people into community. #10 We are a priestly people, called to worship God and speak of his works. Ordained priesthood Royal priesthood of all the baptised
LUMEN GENTIUM (Vatican II) CHAPTER II: ON THE PEOPLE OF GOD #11 Sacraments of membership, healing and Christian living – family as the Domestic Church. #12 A prophetic people. #13 Embracing all cultures and gifts. #14-17 The Church is Gods desire for all people, but God has contingency plans...
LUMEN GENTIUM (Vatican II) CHAPTER III: HIERARCHY & BISHOPS #18-28a Mostly about Bishops. #28b Priests. #29 Deacons. - restoration of the permanent diaconate for single and married men in countries where bishops decide this is appropriate.
LUMEN GENTIUM (Vatican II) CHAPTER IV: THE LAITY #30 The clergy cant save the world – or do everything God wants - on their own! #31 To be priest, prophet and king at home and in the workplace – to make Christ known to the world! > Your assignment!
Feedback from last weeks assigned reading: Lumen Gentium 33-42
LUMEN GENTIUM (Vatican II) CHAPTER VI: RELIGIOUS LIFE #43 The deeper call (for lay and clergy) to Poverty: No money of your own. Chastity: i.e. Celibacy. Obedience: which encompasses the others. #44 Living the life of heaven, on earth. #45 Power of governance. #46-47 The Sign Value! For Gods glory and for the holiness of the Church.
Presentation © Revd Dr Gareth Leyshon 2009 except for photographs included as fair use for educational purposes. It may be freely used as a Catholic educational tool.