doc.: IEEE Submission July 2015 Robert F. Heile, Wi-SUN AllianceSlide 1 EC Monday Meeting Report July 12, 2016 Hilton Waikoloa Village Hotel Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
doc.: IEEE Submission July 2015 Robert F. Heile, Wi-SUN AllianceSlide 2 Monday EC Meeting- Waikoloa Big item is th anniversary celebration Patent Policy update tutorial Monday night. Reviewed EC ballots held since last March Reviewed pre-PAR activity (see Paul’s slide deck included in ZIP file) Paul reported on progress towards getting written guidelines regarding indemnification. Hope to have a draft by end of this week. James reviewed WG P&P updates. Disagreements remain with AudCom (see report on EC mentor) Jon reviewed future venues (doc: EC ). Venue meeting Thursday 7am- Waters Edge BR
doc.: IEEE Submission July 2015 Robert F. Heile, Wi-SUN AllianceSlide 3 Monday EC Meeting- Waikoloa There will be an EC Workshop in ATL, Jan 23, 2016 Full Treasurers report on EC Mentor (dcn: ec ) Reserve has remained fairly steady but several losses coming up including the Waikoloa meeting. Juan Carlos Zuniga reported on the Privacy ECSG (see DCN EC r1) Roger reported on Get802 (ec doc also see doc 48). Renewal activity has been ongoing since SA demanding unreasonable agreement Non Disclosure requirements for something that should be transparent. Roger suggesting an EC executive session PM2 Weds
doc.: IEEE Submission July 2015 Robert F. Heile, Wi-SUN AllianceSlide 4 Monday EC Meeting- Waikoloa James conducted the required Annual EC sub group review. (DCN ec ) Pat Thaler reported on the IETF/802 Joint Leadership activities. Details in the EC Monday meeting minutes. There will be a meeting Monday at 330pm for one hour, Waters Edge Andrew Myles reported on JTC1 activities ( r0). See board for meeting times this week Glen Parsons reviewed the 802 ITU Standing Committee work (see ec and board for meeting times this week). Bob Heile gave an update on the Wireless Chairs Committee meeting Sunday (see WCSC agenda (ec )) Mike Lynch reported on currently activities (dot18 agenda for the week and board for meeting times)
doc.: IEEE Submission July 2015 Robert F. Heile, Wi-SUN AllianceSlide 5 Monday EC Meeting- Waikoloa Shellhammer gave an update on Liaison between IEEE and 3GPP on LAA. ( See DCN for details) Meeting times posted on the Board. Goal is to approve Liaison response this week. He also reported on another liaison with a group being formed by several private companies Jon provided update on SA Solutions. (these are various problems encountered with the tools and the resolutions). Also reviewed timeline for review of MyProject redesign. There will be a lunch and review in November. Clint gave an update on SASB hand slap RE financial reporting timeliness. Set of requirements were established (ec ) Paul reviewed EC meetings for the week. Those are posted on the board.