Hinterland Forum, Denmark WP2 Hinterland Potential Development - Analyse of collected potentials -
Hinterland Forum, Denmark Overview about Hinterland potentials in total amount: M O R E than collected potentials from 70 investigated Hinterland villages in DK, LIT, PL, RU and DE 3.000
Hinterland Forum, Denmark all PP Overview about Hinterland potentials
Hinterland Forum, Denmark Economic Potentials all PP econ – soc – env highest decline instability high importance to Vorderlands in comparison
Hinterland Forum, Denmark Social potentials all PP econ – soc – env medium decline instability (how it will be in 10 years?) highest local networking relevance low Vorderland connections in comparison
Hinterland Forum, Denmark Environmental potentials all PP econ – soc – env lowest decline instability lowest networking importance same Vorder- land relevance like economic in comparison
Hinterland Forum, Denmark Stability of economic potentials under decline all PP Specifics: lowest decline: trade and shops different economy typs (e.g. agricul- ture) needs for more jobs into streng- thening VL links
Hinterland Forum, Denmark Relevance of economic potentials as Hinterland-Vorderland items all PP Specifics: Strong links in: building industry, restaurants/acc., need on more jobs
Hinterland Forum, Denmark Relevance of economic potentials as Hinterland-Vorderland items all PP Specifics: Strong links in: building industry, restaurants/acc., need on more jobs Weak links to request in: artists, trade and shops
Hinterland Forum, Denmark Stability of social potentials under decline all PP Specifics: highest decline: youth activities, church parishes, sport Seems no decline in events!!! Others determin- ed by PP14 spe- ciality 105 sum- mer collages for SPb + Moscow
Hinterland Forum, Denmark Relevance of social potentials as Hinterland-Vorderland items all PP Specifics: Lot of reserves in VL links?!!! - esp.: Senior activities and events (both low decline, only! Others determin- ed by PP14 spe- cialty
Hinterland Forum, Denmark Stability of environmetal potentials under decline all PP Self-explanatory
Hinterland Forum, Denmark Relevance of environmental potentials as Hinterland-Vorderland items Self-explanatory
Hinterland Forum, Denmark Summary and Conclusions Future Hinterland village’s decline management needs to stabilise local structures. Strongly recommended: Concentration of remaining forces on mobili- sation/strengthening of key potentials for future local development. - a lot of potentials in Hinterlands - about 20% are instabil under decline (32% of economic !!!) - one third of named potentials has Vorderland relevance - regional specific's (spatial pre-conditions, product cycles, types of economies) - great local differences in potentials amount and composition
Hinterland Forum, Denmark Hinterland key potentials How to find?
Hinterland Forum, Denmark Hinterland key potentials How to find? M O R E than collected potentials from 70 investigated Hinterland villages in DK, LIT, PL, RU and DE 3.000