Report on National SAON activities: Coordination across networks and platforms for research and monitoring Russia Igor Ashik AARI
Networks, points and programs of observation in the Russian Arctic can be classified by their thematic, territorial or departmental belongings. Thematically observation networks can be divided into: Hydrometeorological – observing the Arctic atmosphere and hydrosphere Cryospheric – observing glaciers and permafrost Environmental pollution control Geophysical – observing Earth’s magnetosphere, ionosphere and ozonosphere Biologic – observing the Arctic flora and fauna Socio-economic – observing people and medicobiologic and socio-economic aspects associated with their activity Territorially observation networks can be divided into: Terrestrial and marine; High-latitude and arctic (adjacent to Arctic seas); Regional Departmentally, the organizations that actually carry out monitoring in the Russian Arctic are primarily as follows: Roshydromet, Russian Academy of Science and administrative- territorial units
Meteorological Observation Network Aerological Observation Network Observation of Solar Radiation in the Arctic Oceanological Observations Sea Level Observations Sea Ice Observations Hydrological Network of Observations of Water Bodies and Estuaries Permafrost Observations Network Glacier Observation Network Arctic Environmental Pollution Observation Network Biodiversity Monitoring Integrated Arctic Socially-oriented Observation System (IASOS) Network Human Health Observation Databases on Russian hydrometeorological observation and information Networks in the Arctic Data on Regime and Resources of Surface Land Waters (Rivers and Channels) Russian Arctic Observing Networks and Databases