BISCAYNE BAY REGIONAL RESTORATION COORDINATION TEAM Development of Overarching Objectives: Dreams and Realities March 12, 2004
BBPI recommended establishment of the Team with the following Goal : “ To preserve, protect, and enhance Biscayne Bay and its waters so that the ecological and aesthetic values of Biscayne Bay may endure for the enjoyment of future generations”
Purpose of Team as stated by SFERTF “Using the final report of the BBPI as a guide, the Team will integrate and coordinate restoration, enhancement, and preservation projects, plans and activities, and will work toward maintaining a functioning ecosystem while promoting a sustainable region”
BBRRCT Vision “The Bay is ecologically restored. It is readily accessible to and appreciated by all members of our diverse community. It supports a number of uses and economic activities that are environmentally sustainable. The Bay is managed to promote coordination and to resolve conflicts among competing objectives with sufficient resources to achieve this vision.”
Our Dreams Preserve, protect, and enhance Biscayne Bay and its water Ensure ecological and aesthetic values endure Integrate and coordinate restoration, enhancement, and preservations projects, plans and activities Balance appropriate economic use with improved public access, increased habitat restoration, and environmental protection
Development of Overarching Objectives Team Realities-Charter –Team does not have regulatory authority –Team does not serve as a direct granting agency –Team serves in an advisory role Team to coordinate with entities involved in coordinating scientific/research efforts –Team to work toward maintaining a functional ecosystem while promoting a sustainable region
Development of Overarching Objectives Team Realities-Advisory Role/Influence –Team has the power of influence You must be present or have a presence to influence –Be there, be involved, be an authorized representative You must have a consistent and predictable message –That message should be based on goals, objectives and recommended actions »These represent the basis for Team review or input
Development of Overarching Objectives Team Realities-Advisory Role/Influence –Team has the power of influence Team must determine how to execute the power of influence –Overarching Themes should lead to the actions that the Team implements »What the Team can/will implement after the action plan is developed »How the Team can influence others to implement the action plan
Development of Overarching Objectives Overarching Themes Sub Goal Groups –Coordination –Resources and Funding –Possible others?