Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION January 2006 EN GUVERNUL ROMANIEI Final Press Conference “OSTROV-SILISTRA: common waters, common issues” Transfronteer Cooperation for the improvement in managing risc generating situations at waters-fluds and banks sliding. Financed by Phare CBC Romania – Bulgaria 2006 Programme Ostrov,18 h November 2009 CONSILIUL LOCAL OSTROV Judetul CONSTANTA Tel/fax:
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION January 2006 EN GUVERNUL ROMANIEI AGENDA Welcome! Presentation of project, partners and evolution of activities Presentation of project’s results: 1.Fundamenting Studies for the Wright Danube bank protection activities in the Ostrov – Silistra area – Local Council Ostrov; 2.Common Report on water and costs problems in the Ostrov-Silistra region; 3.Awareness raising materials: exemplars of the Guide and exemplars of the brochure “Ostrov-Silistra: common waters, common issues”; 4.Local regulation on water administration for Local Council Ostrov; 5. “Trans frontier Cooperation Opportunities” Report ; Presentation of Municipalities Cooperation Agreement and signing the Agreement Discussions CONSILIUL LOCAL OSTROV Judetul CONSTANTA Tel/fax:
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION January 2006 EN GUVERNUL ROMANIEI Partners Ostrov Local Council (applicant) Water Authority Dobrogea -Sea Cost Silistra Municipality “Danube Dobrudja” Silistra Association
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION January 2006 EN GUVERNUL ROMANIEI General Objective The project’s purpose is to make a contribution to Ostrov-Silistra area’s sustainable development by improving the risk management to floods and riverbank erosions
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION January 2006 EN GUVERNUL ROMANIEI Specific objectives 1)to identify the most adequate solutions for reducing flood risk, riverbank erosions and collapses in Ostrov – Silistra area; 2)to improve cooperation between local authorities at cross-border level, on environment and water management issues of common interest; 3)to raise local awareness of Ostrov – Silistra inhabitants on the need for protecting environment and water; 4)to stimulate cross-border cooperation between authorities and organisations in Ostrov-Silistra area.
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION January 2006 EN GUVERNUL ROMANIEI Targets 1.Local communities of inhabitants of Ostrov and Silistra, directly or indirectly afected by events caused by Danube’s waters-floods, soil erosions and riverbank sliding. 2.The target group of public authorities interested in the Ostrov – Silistra hidrographic area -14 autorities RO and BG. 3.The target group of entrepreneurs and potential investors in the Ostrov – Silistra border region. From which direct beneficiarys aproximately persons.
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION January 2006 EN GUVERNUL ROMANIEI Main activities 1. FIELD PLAN: Activities concerning the elaboration of fundamenting studies for the hidrotechnical protection of the Wright bank of Danube, in the Ostrov – Silistra area, comprised of elaboration activities for technical studies required for the realization of the bank investment, both for the Romanian region (Ostrov branch), and for the Bulgarian one. Establishing the main terms for the elaboration of studies; Realizing the needed studies for the area;
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION January 2006 EN GUVERNUL ROMANIEI Main activities 2. INSTITUTIONAL PLAN: Awareness raising activities for local authorities upon the common character of water problems and the creation of a network in this direction. Creation of mixt technical group; Identification of common interest elements in the region; Transfronteer cooperation and consolidation activities;
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION January 2006 EN GUVERNUL ROMANIEI Main activities 3. COMMUNITARY PLAN: Awareness raising activities for population regarding the prevention and reaction to emergency situations caused by waters. Creation of a “good practices guide” and brochure for inhabitants; Consolidation of communitarian plan on water management;
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION January 2006 EN GUVERNUL ROMANIEI Main activities 4. ORIZONTAL ACTIVITIES: Transfronteer Cooperation stimulating activities between the authorities and institutions; promoting the project and results dissemination; project management. Launch press conference, final press conference; Web site on the project; - Promoting and visibility activities; Final dissemination measures.
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION January 2006 EN GUVERNUL ROMANIEI Project budget Total eligible costs of the action Amount requested from Development Ministry % of total eligible costs of the action EUR EUR ,52 88%
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION January 2006 EN GUVERNUL ROMANIEI The main expected results 1. Fundamenting Studies for the Wright Danube bank protection activities in the Ostrov – Silistra area for a length of approximately 15 km on the Wright Danube cost, Bulgarian and Romanian territory.
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION January 2006 EN GUVERNUL ROMANIEI 2. Awareness Raised Authorities: Common Report on water and costs problems in the Ostrov-Silistra region
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION January 2006 EN GUVERNUL ROMANIEI 3. Awareness Raised Population: exemplars of the Guide “Ostrov-Silistra: common waters, common issues” exemplars of the brochure “Ostrov-Silistra: common waters, common issues”; 1 local regulation on water administration.
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION January 2006 EN GUVERNUL ROMANIEI 4. Stimulation of the transfronteer cooperation: Report on cooperation opportunities in Ostrov- Silistra area.
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION January 2006 EN GUVERNUL ROMANIEI Presentation and signing the Cooperation Agreement between Municipalities
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION January 2006 EN GUVERNUL ROMANIEI For more information on the project: Mrs. Smaranda CRISAN, Project Manager Tel/fax: