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Presentation transcript:


NEW INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK  Implementation of the Lisbon Treaty  Renewal of the Commission  New European Parliament: 7th Legislative Term

TRIO PRESIDENCYSTRATEGIC PRIORITIES TRIO PRESIDENCY STRATEGIC PRIORITIES  Strategy EU 2020  Climate change, Energy and Biodiversity  Development of an Action Plan for the Stockholm Programme JHA  Continuation of enlargement process, and strive to improve effectiveness, coherence and visibility of external action of EU  Implementation of Lisbon Treaty

SPANISH PRESIDENCY ENVIRONMENTAL PRIORITIES 1.Climate change 2.Biodiversity 3.Water and marine environment 4.Environmental quality

Priority area 1: Climate change 1/2 Four main pillars:  Climate change-energy combination as a transversal backbone Debate about EU 2020 Strategy offers opportunity to promote transformation of the current economic and energy model into a low-carbon and sustainable model and as the appropriate way to construct a global solution for the current financial and economic crisis  Implementations and successful application of international and EU agreements Promote the implementation of the agreements reached in Copenhagen and support the adoption of measures foreseen in EU climate and energy package

Priority area 1: Climate change 2/2  Regional cooperation on climate change and energy issues to strengthen the role of the EU as a global actor; Particular focus on financial flows and environmental technologies (Mitigating and adapting to climate change and Improving energy efficiency and renewable energy) Major meetings: EU - Latin America Summit (EU-LAC) EU - United States Summit (EU-US) Biannual Euro - Mediterranean Summit (EU-MED) EU-Canada Summit EU- Russia Summit EU-Japan Summit  Water management and adaptation to climate change Sectoral priority for the EU, and a point of reference for development assistance policy, particularly in the Mediterranean region and Latin America

Priority Area 2: Biodiversity  EU Post-2010 biodiversity target High-level conference in Madrid, January Environment Council Conclusions Adoption by Spring European Council  Convention Biological Diversity (CBD)-COP10 ( October 2010) Council Conclusions on the CBD Strategic Plan Council Conclusions on an ABS Regime  CITES-COP15 (13-25 March 2010) Council Decision as “A” Point  Forest protection High Level Conference on Forest protection, biodiversity conservation and fight against forest fires Council Conclusions

Priority area 3 :Water and marine environment  Adopt a Strategy for Water in the Mediterranean in the framework of the Union for the Mediterranean (Barcelona Ministerial Conference)  Taking action in the fight against droughts and water scarcity following the COM White Paper on adaptation to climate change  Support the Iberoamerican Water Programme (capacity building, institutional relations, technological transfer)  Implement the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and promote the establishement of environmental objectives to achieve the Good Environmental Status of Marine Waters

Priority area 4: Environmental Quality  Final Agreement on Industrial Emissions Directive  Advance to First Reading agreement on CO2 Emission Reduction Regulation for light commercial vehicles  Agreement ??? on the Soil Framework Directive  Adopt mandate on Mercury International negotiations  Advance to First Reading agreement on RoHS Directive (Restriction of use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment)  Advance to First Reading agreement on WEEEs Directive (waste electrical and electronic equipment)  Advance to Political agreement on Biocides Regulation  Encourage initiatives for the management of Biowaste  Promote actions in the framework of International Conventions for sustainable scrapping and recycling of ships

COUNCIL MEETINGS  Informal Meeting of Environment Ministers, January, Sevilla (back-to-back with Informal Meeting of Energy Ministers)  Environment Council, 15 March, Brussels  Environment Council, 21 June, Luxembourg  European Council, March  European Council, June

LEGISLATIVE FILES Existing:  Proposal for Directive Industrial Emissions Directive, IPPC  Proposal for a Regulation on reducing CO2 emissions from commercial light vehicles  Proposal for a Soil Framework Directive  Proposal for Directive on the Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS)  Proposal for Directive on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)  Proposal for a Regulation concerning the placing on the market and use of biocidal products Expected:  Proposal for a Directive on Biowaste

Environment Council, 15 March- provisional Agenda (1/2) Legislative deliberations  Proposal for a Regulation to reduce CO2 emissions from light commercial vehicles Policy debate  Proposal for a Soil Framework Directive (poss) Political Agreement

Environment Council, 15 March- provisional Agenda (2/2) Non legislative activities  Climate change Council conclusions  Biodiversity Council conclusions  Commission Communication on the EU 2020 Strategy Presentation by Commission and exchange of views  Report from the Commission on the Assessment of the links between the Hong Kong Convention, the Basel Convention and the EU Regulation on shipments of waste Presentation by the Commission and exchange of views

Environment Council, 21 June- provisional Agenda (1/2) Legislative deliberations  Proposal for a Regulation concerning the placing on the market and use of biocides Progress Report/(poss) Political agreement  Directive Restriction use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS) (poss) Political Agreement  Directive waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) (poss) Political Agreement  CO2 Emissions from Light Commercial Vehicles Progress Report/(poss) Political agreement  Proposal for a Directive on Biowaste Presentation by the Commission/(poss) policy debate

Environment Council, 21 June- provisional Agenda (2/2) Non legislative activities  Climate Change Council conclusions  (Poss) Biodiversity Council conclusions  Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety Council Conclusions  Forest protection Council conclusions  Water scarcity, droughts and adaptation to climate change Council conclusions  Challenges for a Good Environmental Status of the Marine Environment Information by the Presidency and exchange of views

HIGH LEVEL MEETINGS IN SPAIN  Conference “Post-2010 Biodiversity Vision and Target – The role of protected areas and Ecological Networks in Europe” (Madrid, January)  International Conference on Water Scarcity and Drought "The path to climate change adaptation” (Madrid, February)  Conference on forest protection, biodiversity conservation and fight against forest fires (Segovia, 6-7 April)  Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on Water (Barcelona, 13 April)

SOME KEY INTERNATIONAL MEETINGS  Extraordinary COP Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, Bali, February  UNEP Governing Council, Bali, February  CITES COP15, Doha, March  CBD 9 th WG-ABS, Cartagena (Colombia),18-24 March  Working Group Strategies and Review CLRTAP, Geneva, April  PRTR MOP1, 19 April  18th Session of the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD-18), New York, 3-14 May  CBD SBSTTA-14, Nairobi, May  CBD WGRI-3, Nairobi, May  14 th Meeting subsidiary bodies UNFCCC, Bonn, 31 May-11 June  Intergovernmental negotiation Committee, International Convention Mercury, Stockholm, 7-11 June  G8 Environment Ministerial, Huntsville (Canada), June

DRAFTAGENDA JANUARY DRAFT AGENDA JANUARY January- Informal Council Environment 27 January- EP Hearing Minister of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs

Thank you for your attention!