Characterization Report Module 2: Water Budget, Pressures and Impacts, Significant Water Management Issues, Monitoring, Characterization Report Characterization.


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Presentation transcript:

Characterization Report Module 2: Water Budget, Pressures and Impacts, Significant Water Management Issues, Monitoring, Characterization Report Characterization Report Senad Ploco

RBM planning 1.Who? 2.What? 3.Where? 4.How Long?

Content 1.Report position in preparing RBM Plan 2.Main constitutents of the report 3.Maps to be included in the report – case study Sava River (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

RBM Plan – Annex VII of WFD 1.General characteristics of the river basin districts 2.Pressures and impacts on surface water and groundwater ( point and diffuse sources, water abstractions, HYMO pressures,...) 3.Protected areas ( drinking water resources, significant aquatic species, bathing and recreational waters,nutrient-sensitive areas, habitats protection ) 4.Monitoring networks ( surface water, groundwater and protected areas ) 5.Environmental objectives 6.Economic Analysis 7.PoM 8.Register of other programmes and management plans 9.Summary of public information and consultation 10.List of competent authorities 11.Contact points ( background documents and other procedures )

Characterisation Report – Article 5 of WFD 1.Introduction 2.General characteristics of the river basin 3.Characterisation of surface waters 4.Characterisation of groundwaters 5. Protected areas 6.Pressure and impact analysis 7.Data gaps and uncertainties 8.Conclusions and next steps 9.Bibliography 10.List of characterisation maps 80 – 120 pages (be focused!)

1. Introduction (3-5 p.) Key principles of WFD; River basin as a part of larger river basin (?); Key strategic planning documents; Purpose of the document; Outline of action plan on preparing RBM Plan.

2. General characteristics (25-40 p.) Administrative- institutional; Natural; Socio-economic.

2.1 Admin- institutional characteristics (5-10 p.) International agreements, treaties,... National administrative set-up; Key governmental institutions and their responsibilities; Key non-governmental stakeholders; The most relevant legislation.

2.2 Natural characteristics (15-20 p.) Morphology/topography; Climate (zones, temperature, precipitations,...) (Hydro)geology; Hydrography (sub-basins > 10km2); Hydrology (water flows, water balance,...) Land cover; Land use; Flora and fauna (aquatic and water dependent terrestrial)

2.3 Socio-economic characteristics (5-10 p.) Population (households, incomes, distribution, trends,...); Urban development (settlements > inhabitants); Water supply and wastewater removal/treatment (key figures) Key elements and trends of industrial development; Key elements and trends of agricultural development; Key elements and trends of other economic activities.

3. Characterisation of surface waters (15-20 p.) Surface water categories; Typology identification (methodology and criteria); Delineation of water bodies (methodology and criteria); List of water bodies; Reference conditions; Preliminary delineation of artificial and heavily modified water bodies; Data gaps and uncertainties.

4. Characterisation of groundwaters (10-15 p.) Key types of groundwater aquifers; (Hydro)geological characteristics; Overlying strata in the catchment area; Directions and rates of recharge; Chemical composition of groundwater; Delineation and grouping of groundwater bodies; Groundwater bodies supporting terrestrial ecosystems; List of groundwater bodies; Data gaps and uncertainties.

5. Protected Areas (5-10 p.) Areas used for abstraction of drinking water ( WFD + Drinking Water Directive ) Areas designated to protect economically significant species ( Shellfishh and Freshwater Fishe Directives ) Recreational waters ( Bathing Directive ) Nutrient sensitive areas ( Nitrates + UWW Directives ) Areas designated for the protection of habitats or species ( Birds + Habitats Directives ) Assessment of protected areas objectives Data gaps and uncertainties.

6. Pressures and impact analysis (20-30 p.) Point sources of pollution (Urban + Industrial + Agricultural); Diffuse sources of pollution (Urban + Industrial + Agricultural); Water abstractions and flow regulations; Hydro-morphological alterations; Other human pressures and impact assessment; Summary of water bodies affected by all pressures Impacts on surface and groundwater; General trends and future pressures. Data gaps and uncertainties.

7. Economic Analysis Assessment of volume, prices and costs associated with water services; Assessment of relevant investment including forecast for such investment; Expert judgment about the most cost-effective combination of measures in respect of water uses to be included in the PoM.

7. Conclusions and next steps Key findings; Action plan for preparing RBM Plan