Successes and failures of ecosystem indicators (just a few slides to stimulate discussion) Nate Mantua University of Washington Aquatic and Fishery Sciences PICES/ICES/GLOBEC ECOFOR Workshop Friday Harbor, Sept
Retested published correlations with new (independent) data and found many correlations didn’t hold up Found only 2 cases where environment-recruitment correlations were being used in management SST-sardine recruitment relationship Rainfall-banana prawn recruitment relationship
Management use of biophysical relationships today? See Jackie King’s list from the previous talk … plus: SST used to predict New Zealand snapper recruitment in assessments for some regional stocks Wilderbauer et al’s transport mediated recruitment estimates for Eastern Bering Sea flatfish A few more examples, but not that many considering the number of relationships that have been published. why the slow uptake into management?
Ecosystem Considerations report (~200 p) Produced annually by NOAA ecosystem scientists Goal: to provide an overview of marine ecosystems in Alaska for the North Pacific Fishery Management Council Stock assessment recommendations are evaluated within an ecosystem context (EBFM, qualitative) Supplying ecosystem information to fishery managers in Alaska
919 pages!
Only 70 pages
Ecosystem assessments Canada’s regional status and trends reports (annually published) Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Ecosystems Considerations The California Current System – Northern California Current Ecosystem Indicators, PaCOOS quarterly reports, CCEIA (919 pages!), Sydeman’s Central California EIA Puget Sound Marine Waters report (new)
Use of EIAs How are these being used? How is the fishery oceanography community increasing the utility of these efforts? Are there opportunities to make them more useful? How can the EIA approach better compliment the single stock assessments that continue to feed directly into fishery management? How or where might these parallel tracks intersect?