version 1.0 Damburst Activity 4 Report A teaching sequence from the Catastrophe unit cracking science! Activity from the Catastrophe unit © upd8 wikid, built by cracking science 2009 This page may have been changed from the original
2 To use scientific language to communicate the most likely reasons for the dam burst and the processes that led to this.
3 Evaluate Give your opinion of the cause of the dam burst. Use scientific language to explain the processes that led up to the catastrophe. SS1 I need you to write a report to the Indostan Environment Minister.
4 Extend I’ll your report straight away. Then let’s get home for a rest. We deserve it! See you at the airport in the morning. Good work – thanks!
5 Extend
6 Now we have all the evidence. Decide which was the most likely cause of the dam burst. I’m sorry, we won’t be leaving just yet. The minister is not happy. The dam burst has caused so much death and destruction. He wants someone to blame.
7 Extend Here are three managers involved in the dam’s construction: Ian Cezair Construction foreman. In charge of building the dam. Gloria Garza Geologist. Chose dam location. Roland Waters Civil engineer. In charge of the dam’s annual safety check. Who is to blame?
8 Extend I’ve got a feeling that we can’t blame just one person for the dam catastrophe. What do you think? Why? I need to tell the minister something! I’m not sure.