HOUSEKEEPING ITEMS Today, Jayme and Maya – who were unable to present last week – will be presenting, and Melany has kindly offered to enrich our knowledge of cultural capital by talking about TEK: traditional ecological knowledge and its applications. VIUFA’s Human Rights and International Solidarity Committee presents Paul Manly: Report Back on El Salvador; Date: Wednesday, October 29, 2014; Time: 7 pm; Location: Bldg 355; Room 203. This September, Paul spent 10 days in El Salvador representing the Council of Canadians on an international delegation examining metallic mining and how it affects communities. While in El Salvador the final hearings for the OceanaGold versus El Salvador investor state lawsuit began in the secretive ICSID tribunal at the World Bank in Washington DC. Paul attended a protest at the headquarters of the World Bank in San Salvador that marked the start of these hearings. Paul Manly is a past VIU student and Nanaimo BC based filmmaker, activist and community organizer. His films include ‘You, Me and the SPP’ and ‘Troubled Waters.’
HOUSEKEEPING ITEMS He is currently developing a project that examines the impact of investor state dispute settlement mechanisms embedded in trade agreements. Come hear him report back on his experiences in El Salvador. If we have time, we will watch a short film about La Via Campesina: