RACHEL D., EMMALEIGH N., LANE Y., AND AIDEN J. Growing up White/Black in the South
How does she talk about her family? What does Mrs. Barge know about her ancestry? Her grandmother had more privileges than any other slaves. Her grandmother never lived in Slave quarters. Worked in the house instead of in the fields. What does Mrs. Barge know about her ancestry? How does she talk about her family? Children were born, but no one was married. Blacks weren't married until after the Civil War.
What were her and her families living conditions like? Conditions were bad but it became a serious issue when her dad got laid off.
When was the first time she noticed a difference between the lives of black and white people? From Mrs. Barges account, what do you think is the most astounding difference? When was the first time she noticed a difference between the lives of black and white people?
Women Men Aside from domestic work and labor like laundering… Nursing Teaching Cooks in private homes/restaurants Maids in private homes/businesses Mines Factories- delivery boys Carpenters Bricklayers Operate Elevators What kind of Jobs were available to black people in the South?