Unit 8: Climatic Interactions
Warm Up How was your Christmas break? Write “No School” on Monday
Seating Change Look for your name and move to your new seat
Concentration of Sun and Earth Lab With your table group your will be designing your own lab to answer the question Why do our oceans have different temperatures? You will have 1 Balloon 1 Clamp Light 1 Light Bulb (careful will get hot, DON’T TOUCH) 2 Thermometers 1 Roll of Tape I must see your steps before you receive materials Must be completed today and handout must be turned in
So for the next couple of day…. You will be learning how the Sun provides the energy that drives all of the Earth’s atmospheric movement and ocean currents resulting in weather and climate.
Warm Up
Hurricane Simulation The Sun and oceans play a role in the formation of weather systems such as hurricanes. Think about this statement as you complete your investigation.
Hurricane Simulation 1. Fill a soda bottle to the top with tap water. 1. Mark on your bottle where the “fill line” is 2. You will be timing and writing down (in your science notebooks) the exact amount of time that it takes for the bottle to empty. Turn the bottle upside down to empty it, without squeezing the bottle's size. 1. Repeat again 3. Fill the bottle again, but swirl the bottle by rotating it counterclockwise. Keep swirling the bottle until it forms a tornado- like rotation within the bottle while the water is pouring out of the container. 1. Time and write down the amount of time it takes to empty the bottle of the swirling water. 2. Repeat again 4. Don’t forget safety: BE CAREFUL
Hurricane Simulation Amount of Water Time Not Swirling Time Swirling Observations Trial 1 X Trial 2 X Trial 3 X Trial 4 X
Hurricane Simulation 1. Title your next blank page Hurricane Notes 2. Copy what is in the red
What is a hurricane? Hurricanes are tropical cyclones. They form in the southern Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and eastern Pacific Ocean. Their winds spiral outward in a counterclockwise, circulation pattern.
What conditions must exist for a hurricane to form? Low to medium winds blowing in the same direction 5–30 degrees north of the equator in the ocean Ocean surface temperature of greater than 80 F that extends down to about 150 feet deep (50 m) Lower atmosphere must be moist
How do hurricanes form? The air mass above the tropical waters takes on the temperature and humidity of the water beneath it. Incoming winds force the air upward. The warm, moist air rises, forming water vapor and clouds. Above the storm, the winds flow outward. Outside winds blow inward, and the cycle repeats.
How do hurricanes move? Hurricanes turn to the right, away from the equator, because of the Coriolis Effect caused by Earth’s rotation. You will learn about this phenomenon later in the lesson.
Where does the energy for a hurricane originate? The Sun heats the oceans. Warm air rises, and as it cools, it releases energy, fueling the hurricane.
Why don’t hurricanes form in higher latitudes? The temperature of the oceans is not warm enough. The distance is too far from the equator.
Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Simulation Think back to your lab: In your science notebooks, record what the following parts of the model represent: Bottle: The bottle represents the atmosphere. Swirling the Bottle: Swirling the bottle creates the formation of the vortex of the hurricane. Swirling Water: Swirling water represents how air circulates to form a hurricane. Rotating the Bottle Counterclockwise: The counterclockwise motion represents the rotation of the Earth and wind deflection in the Northern Hemisphere because of the Coriolis effect.
Video Engineering Nature: Engineering Hurricanes
Warm Up
Air Masses and Humidity What is the object? Psychrometer What is its purpose? It is used to measure relative humidity. How does it work? One thermometer bulb is kept dry, while the other is covered in a damp cloth. The instrument is waved through the air. The temperatures are taken, and the difference between the two is calculated. The difference is matched to the dry bulb reading on a relative humidity table to determine the relative humidity. We are going to make a psychrometer to measure the relative humidity of the air.
Air Masses and Humidity Materials: Celsius thermometers (2) 2 cotton balls water small fan timer Procedure: 1. Create a data table, and record the initial temperature of the two thermometers. 2. Wet a cotton ball, squeeze out excess water, and place it over the bulb of one of the thermometers. 3. Place the thermometer bulbs an equal distance from the fan. 4. Turn the fan on high for three minutes. 5. Record, in the data table, the temperatures of the thermometers after three minutes. 6. To determine the relative humidity, subtract the dry bulb reading from the wet bulb reading. Find the temperature difference in the row with bold type and in a shaded box. Place a finger on that number. 7. Next, look at the column, where the dry bulb readings are listed. Find the correct dry bulb temperature. Place a finger from the other hand on that number. 8. Bring one finger down and the other finger across, until they’re both in the same box. This white box will give you the percent of relative humidity. Record the relative humidity on the data table.
Air Masses and Humidity Initial Temperature of Dry Thermometer Initial Temperature of Wet Thermometer After 3 Minutes Temperature of Dry Thermometer After 3 Minutes Temperature of Wet Thermometer Relative Humidity Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Title your next blank page Humidity Lab
Air Masses and Humidity =27641&CategoryID= =27641&CategoryID=2665
Video Engineering Nature: Engineering Hurricanes
Warm Up
Air Masses and Humidity Complete the card sort with your table group
Air Masses Open Humidity Lab and Air Mass Notes You will copy what is in purple
Where do air masses form? Air masses tend to form in areas with little wind. Remember, they sit over an area for a long period of time without moving.
Labeling Air Masses maritime Air masses that form over water are called maritime. continental Air masses that form over land are called continental.
Classification of Air Masses mT mT – maritime tropical cT cT – continental tropical mP mP – maritime polar cP cP – continental polar cA cA – continental arctic
Classification of Air Masses T T = tropical C C = continental m m = maritime P P = polar A=artic
Location of Air Masses
Characteristics of Air Masses mT mT – warm, moist air cT cT – warm, dry air mP mP – cold, moist air cP cP – cold, dry air cA cA – super cold, dry air
Cold, Warm, and Stationary Fronts rt/weather_fronts/ rt/weather_fronts/
How do air masses move? Convection!
Convection Warm air rises, and cold air moves in to replace it. A circulation pattern is formed. Causes air and water currents to form
How does convection work? Density! Warm air rises. Cool air sinks.
So….. Air masses take on the characteristics of the land and water beneath them. How do air masses form? They take on the characteristics of the land or water beneath them. What characteristics do you think the following air masses would have? Continental (land)/Tropical: Dry/warm Continental (land)/Polar: Dry/cold Maritime (water)/Tropical: Moist/warm Maritime (water)/Polar: Moist/cold
Due at the end of class Complete the Air Mass Map paper Move I over South America Move C over Europe Move D over Africa Move E over Russia It is due at the end of class for a grade You will be working with your shoulder partner, find a computer and visit these two sites.
l.com/atschool/phsc iexp/active_art/weat her_fronts/ l.com/atschool/phsc iexp/active_art/weat her_fronts/ tivities/weather/index.sht ml With your shoulder partner, visit these two sites. Check your history
Warm Up
Can Crusher Open Can Crusher Lab You are making an iMovie about your lab. This is a Test Grade This is due today
Can Crusher Safety: Exercise caution with hot plates, water, and electricity. Keep hair and clothing away from heat source. Take care not to spill water. Wipe up any spills immediately. Report any accidents to the teacher immediately. NO HORSEPLAY Procedures: 1. Add ice cold water to a bowl or tub. 2. Measure 15 mL of water. 3. Pour the water into the soda can. 4. Place the can on the hot plate. 5. Turn on the hot plate, according to teacher instructions 6. When you hear the water begin to boil, you will see water vapor coming from the can. 7. Continue to heat for another minute. 8. Turn off the hot plate. 9. Call Me Over!!!!!!!!!!!!! With your palm up, use the tongs to lift the can off of the hot plate. 10. Quickly flip the can over, and plunge it into the bowl of cold water. 11. Record observations in your notebooks.
Can Crusher Data/Observations: Analysis of Results: Why did the can behave in the manner observed? The liquid inside the can changed to a gas. The water vapor pushed the air in the can outward. When the can was plunged into the cold water, the gaseous water vapor condensed changing back into a liquid. The liquid does not take up as much space as the gas, so the pressure is lower. The pressure outside of the can was higher. In an effort to achieve a natural balance of air pressure inside and outside of the can, the can crushed. Conclusion: How does a change in temperature affect air pressure? Warm air causes lower pressure, and colder air causes higher pressure. This is due to convection, warm air will rise, and cold air will sink.
Warm Up
Think back to yesterday’s lab: Why did the can behave in the manner observed? The liquid inside the can changed to a gas. The water vapor pushed the air in the can outward. When the can was plunged into the cold water, the gaseous water vapor condensed changing back into a liquid. The liquid does not take up as much space as the gas, so the pressure is lower. The pressure outside of the can was higher. In an effort to achieve a natural balance of air pressure inside and outside of the can, the can crushed. How does a change in temperature affect air pressure? Warm air causes lower pressure and colder air causes higher pressure. This is due to differences in density. Due to convection, warm air will rise, and cold air will sink.
Convection Box Demo
How do convection currents in the atmosphere affect weather? How is wind produced?
Winds Open Winds and Coriolis Effect
The movement of air in a horizontal direction What is wind?
Wind = The uneven heating of the Earth causes differences in air pressure. What causes wind?
The Sun’s energy is more concentrated at the Equator and spread out more over the poles. Air over the equator is warm and less dense and has lower pressure. Air over the poles is cold and denser and has higher pressure. Why does this happen?
As warm air at the equator rises, cooler air from the poles will move in and replace it. Air pressure moves in a pattern from high to low. Why does this happen?
As warm air at the equator rises, cooler air from the poles will move in and replace it. Convection
The density changes caused by temperature changes create convection cells. These cause circular patterns of air that circulate over the whole planet. Global Convection Currents
Where the convections cells meet, prevailing winds and jet streams form. They blow from one direction over a certain area of the Earth’s surface. Global Wind Belts
Jet Stream
Jet Stream: Forms high in the upper Troposphere between two air masses of different temperatures Higher temperature difference = faster speed Due to the Coriolis Effect, it flows around air masses. Polar Jet: It dips southward when frigid polar air masses move south. It tends to stay north in the summer months.
Jet Stream Animation
Named for the direction from which they blow: Polar Easterlies Polar Easterlies – High latitudes blow east to west toward the equator Westerlies Westerlies – Mid latitudes blow west to east toward the poles Easterlies (Trade Winds) Easterlies (Trade Winds) – Low latitudes blow east to west toward the Equator Prevailing Winds
Pressure belts form in between the wind belts. Prevailing Winds
0 o Equator 30 o S 60 o S 90 o S 30 o N 60 o N90 o N More Direct Sun Hot
The winds from the poles blow toward the equator. The winds from the equator blow toward the poles. Global Wind Belts
…then why is it defined as the horizontal movement of air? Does the Earth stand still? If wind is moving north and south, …
As the Earth rotates counterclockwise, the winds bend and curve around the Earth. Gustave-Gaspard Coriolis, an engineer and mathematician, described this effect as an inertial force in The Coriolis Effect
In the Northern Hemisphere, winds bend to the right of their direction of travel. In the Southern Hemisphere, winds bend to the left of their direction of travel. Let’s try a little investigation to see how this works. The Coriolis Effect
Coriolis Effect Complete page 2 The Coriolis Effect
Warm Up
Weather patterns and systems move in a circular motion due to the bending of the winds caused by the Earth’s rotation. The Coriolis Effect
Our Earth is always seeking balance. In an effort to find balance, there is a continuous cycle of patterns. What is the driving force behind the changes that create these patterns? Equilibrium
How do convection currents in the ocean affect weather? Convection, Ocean Currents, and the Coriolis Effect
Title your next blank page Ocean Currents Lab and copy this chart. 5 minutes per stations Convection in Water Gyres Ocean Currents Part 1 Ocean Currents Part 2 1) 2) 3) 4) Data: Conclusion: 1) 2) Data: Analysis: Conclusion 1)
Convection, Ocean Currents, and the Coriolis Effect Title your next blank page Ocean Currents Notes Copy what is in Blue
Ocean Current s
Warm currents flow away from the equator. Cold currents flow toward the equator. Ocean Currents Equator
Sun Wind Coriolis Gravity Factors Influencing Currents
Energy from the Sun heats the water. Warm water is less dense that cold water. Warm water rises, and cold water sinks. As warm water rises, cold water moves it to replace it. Sun
Convection Cycle
Just as wind moves from high pressure to low pressure areas, so does the water. Winds blow across the surface of the water, causing friction. The water piles up because the surface currents flow slower than the winds. Wind
As water piles up and flows from high pressure to low pressure, gravity will pull down on the water. This forms vertical columns or mounds of water. The Coriolis Effect causes the water to curve. Gravity
Causes water to move to the right in the Northern Hemisphere Causes water to move to the left in the Southern Hemisphere The Coriolis Effect
Make up 10% of oceans’ water Up to maximum depth of 400 m Surface ocean currents are caused by the surface wind patterns. Surface Currents
Gyres: Vertical columns or mounds of water at the surface Produce enormous circular currents Five major locations: North Pacific - clockwise South Pacific - counterclockwise Indian Ocean - counterclockwise South Atlantic - counterclockwise North Atlantic - clockwise Gyres
Oceanic Gyres
A strong surface current Begins at the tip of Florida Flows up the eastern coastline of the U.S. Crosses the Atlantic Ocean Causes warmer climate in NW Europe Gulf Stream
Upwelling: Surface waters blow to the right of the wind. As less dense, surface water moves off shore, cold, deep, denser waters come to the surface to replace them. Upwelling
The Great Ocean Conveyor: Helps maintain Earth’s Balance
Deep Water Currents: Make up about 90% of oceans’ water Differences in density cause them to move. Differences in density are related to temperature and salinity. At high latitudes, they sink deep into the ocean basins. Temperatures are so cold, they cause the density to increase.
Video Discovery Education Whirlpool You Tube Japan Earthquake Whirlpool During Tsunami
Warm Up
Notes Open Climatic Interaction Notes Copy what is in blue
Ocean Current s
Sun Wind Coriolis Gravity Factors Influencing Currents
Convection Cycle
Just as wind moves from high pressure to low pressure areas, so does the water. Winds blow across the surface of the water, causing friction. The water piles up because the surface currents flow slower than the winds. Wind
As water piles up and flows from high pressure to low pressure, gravity will pull down on the water. This forms vertical columns or mounds of water. The Coriolis Effect causes the water to curve. Gravity
Make up 10% of oceans’ water Up to maximum depth of 400 m Surface ocean currents are caused by the surface wind patterns. Surface Currents
Gyres: Vertical columns or mounds of water at the surface Produce enormous circular currents Five major locations: North Pacific - clockwise South Pacific - counterclockwise Indian Ocean - counterclockwise South Atlantic - counterclockwise North Atlantic - clockwise Gyres
Oceanic Gyres
A strong surface current Begins at the tip of Florida Flows up the eastern coastline of the U.S. Crosses the Atlantic Ocean Causes warmer climate in NW Europe Gulf Stream
Upwelling: Surface waters blow to the right of the wind. As less dense, surface water moves off shore, cold, deep, denser waters come to the surface to replace them. Upwelling
Up Welling Lab
The Great Ocean Conveyor: Helps maintain Earth’s Balance
Deep Water Currents: Make up about 90% of oceans’ water Differences in density cause them to move. Differences in density are related to temperature and salinity. At high latitudes, they sink deep into the ocean basins. Temperatures are so cold, they cause the density to increase.
Video Discovery Education Whirlpool You Tube Japan Earthquake Whirlpool During Tsunami
El Nino: Abnormally high surface ocean temperatures off the coast of South America Causes unusual weather patterns across the globe El Nino
Starts because the easterly trade winds weaken and allow the warm waters in the Western Pacific to move east toward South America This changes where the convection current occurs. Causing rain where it usually doesn't occur and drought where it usually rain s El Nino
El Nino Winter
El Nino Summer
Abnormally low surface ocean temperatures off the coast of South America Causes unusual weather patterns across the globe La Nina
Ocean currents move more slowly than winds. Oceans hold more heat than the atmosphere and land. Cold currents will cause nearby coastlines to be cooler. Warm currents will cause nearby coastlines to be warmer. Where do the cold currents come from? The warm currents? Ocean’s Effect on Climate
Predictable Patterns How do these currents affect the climate of the coastline?
El Nino and La Nina from United Streaming El Nino and La Nina
Homework Due Tomorrow
Warm Up
Booklet Due Tuesday 1/21 Listen to instructions