Robert Bruce
Robert Bruce was named Guardian of Scotland in1298 after Wallace’s defeat However, this was only to last a 12 month period in which he had a disagreement with John Comyn over the re-establishing of King John Bruce would meet with Comyn again!
Robert Bruce After his disagreement with Comyn in the late 1290s, Bruce continued to fight against the English invasion. Comyn and Wallace also continued their battle against Edward’s armies. In 1302 Bruce decided to accept Edward’s guarantees on his families lands and ended his battle. Wallace and the Comyn’s would continue to their feud.
Ordinance of the Order The “Ordinance of the Order” was published in 1305 This provided Scots with the chance of becoming Sheriffs and gave land back to old Nobles who had lost land during battles Comyn’s men were to be given the privilege of becoming Sheriffs John Comyn had now become more popular in Edward’s eyes than Bruce Bruce planned revenge!
Grey Friars Church Aware of his diminishing chances of restoring King John to office or he himself becoming King Bruce decided to meet Comyn on 10 th February 1306 at Grey Friars Church in Dumfries After a brief exchange within the Church in which Comyn refused to support Bruce, both men began to argue, then fight. Bruce, it is believed, then murdered John Comyn in “cold blood” For this dreadful, heinous act he was excommunicated
Bruce becomes King of Scots On the 25 th March 1306 in Scone, Robert Bruce was crowned King of Scots by the Countess of Buchan He could now plan his rebellion!
Bruce’s defeats King Robert’s rebellious campaign did not materialise at the beginning He suffered defeats at Methvin Woods where practically all his army were defeated The renainder would be defeated at Dalry as Bruce fled to safety King Edward once again showed his anger at those who questioned his powerful army
He publically executed Bruce’s brother and other supporters Bruce’s wife was confined to a manor and his sister sent to a nunnery Countess Buchan, who made Bruce King, was along with Bruce’s sister, placed in steel cages in Berwick and Roxburgh His daughter, Mary, was placed in a cage in the Tower of London Bruce??? He was in hiding!!!
King Hob Due to the fact King Robert had been defeated and went into hiding for a short time, he was given the title of King Hob or King Nobody. It is whilst in hiding the fabricated story of Bruce and the spiders web was invented This story was never confirmed as no one knew exactly where he had hidden out.
King Hob returns In 1907 Bruce returned to fight Edward’s men He had successes at Turnberry Castle and Glen Trool where he defeated Valance the English leader He also defeated the English at Loudoun Hill
The death of King Edward I Having defeated the English, Bruce was well aware that King Edward was in search of him It was on one of his voyages north that King Edward I passed away July 7 th 1307 On his death he asked his son Edward II, to continue the search for Bruce
Bruce vs Comyn It had became clear Bruce and his men would need to take the land of the Comyn’s to gain total control Bruce gathered his men and marched into Moray, defeating everything in front of him The Comyn castles fell to Bruce This battle ensued at Inverurie.
Battle of Inverurie Bruce had fallen ill and rumour spread his army could be defeated Bruce however, led his men to an astonishing battle in the North East He then destroyed the Comyn lands, cattle and castles Bruce deliberately destroyed castles Knowing he could not hold them it stopped them being used against him
Stirling Castle Now only 2 castles in Scotland remained under English control, Berwick and Stirling Stirling, the most strategic of these was willing to surrender to Bruce if not relieved by an English garrison by midsummer’s day 1314 This was a direct challenge to Edward II He sent his men towards Bannockburn
Battle of Bannockburn 1314 On the 23 rd and 24 th of June 1314 Bruce found his men heavily outnumbered as he appeared on the battlefield to face Edward’s experienced men Day one of the battle was a few skirmishes in which English Knights were kiled This made King Edward think again about his positioning of his army He decided to move them towards Bruce’s position
Day 2 witnessed Bruce’s men taking up position across the Carse, kneeling in prayer and preparing to fight As the battle began, the Scots, in a formation of schiltrons, attacked the English, driving them backwards The horsemen, attacked the archers, preventing them from being effective The Scottish reserves then rushed in from Coxet Hill forcing the English to scatter It was a famous victory for Bruce and his men
Bruce continued his onslaught of the English from 1315 until 1318 Taking back Berwick and destroying the North of Edward’s country Bruce on many occasions outwitted Edward’s army and kept his reputation as a great Scottish warrior.
The Declaration of Arbroath 1320 After his murder of Comyn in 1306 Bruce still remained excommunicated (unable to officially be Scotland’s King) To overcome this the Scottish Nobles had to appeal to the Pope, John XXII, to acknowledge Bruce as Scotland’s rightful leader as well as recognise Scotland as independent from England If the Pope refused Scotland and Bruce would remain under English rule The Declaration of Arbroath had no effect on the Pope. It would not be until 1323 that Rome would look favourably on this Declaration and on Bruce’s excommunication
The Treaty of Edinburgh 1328 In 1327 King Edward II was deposed and murdered Bruce saw this as a way of making peace with England and being recognised as King The new King was Edward III, he was too you to rule His mother, Isabella would rule for him Bruce, on his death bed, ordered ferocious attacks on the North of England He wanted a peace treaty before he died
The Treaty of Edinburgh 1328 The Treaty of Edinburgh was signed in 1328 This was the peace treaty Bruce wished for It stated – Bruce be recognised as King of Scots Balliol be denounced Edward IIIs sister was to marry Bruce’s son David All Scottish records be returned to Scotland The Scots were to pay the English £20,000 The Scots had fought for their freedom and WON
Robert Bruce After reading the section on Robert Bruce you should now answer the following questions as fully as possible Again, this will allow you enough knowledge to prepare a 10 mark exam question.
Why did Bruce want to meet with Comyn? What was the outcome and how would this affect Bruce in future years? Bruce required the support of the Nobles. Did he have this? If not detail why not. Bruce was crowned King of Scots in 1306, why was this irrelevant? Explain what King Edward did to make Bruce and his followers suffer for his coronation?
Bruce changed sides in 1297, detail why? Explain in detail the events leading up to Bruce becoming known as “King Hob” Some historians argue the death of King Edward I was very significant in Bruce achieving his goals. How far do you agree with this? Explain your answer. Historians argue also that Bannockburn, although an important victory, had little to do with Bruce’s ultimate victory in the wars! How far do you agree? What do you think more important in achieving independence, Bruce’s military or diplomatic actions? Explain your answer.
Were English weaknesses more important than Bruce’s achievements? Do you believe that by agreeing the Treaty of Edinburgh, Bruce had finally achieved everything he set out to do in 1306? Give reasons for your answer.