EURopean Employment Services Living and Working in the Netherlands Pieter van der Valk
The Netherlands The Netherlands Economic talk Where to find vacancies. A good cv for Dutch employers
Some facts EURES modulePAG 3
Some facts EURES modulePAG 4
Economics EURES modulePAG 5
EURES modulePAG 6
The current situation
6.7 % unemployment ( ); ( people). Labour force down real unique vacancies
The real Problem 1,3 million houses have a mortgage above its value This is 25% of the families Total shortage 63 milliard Euros Hard to sell a house Mobility hinders the labour marked.
Legal minimum wage (Gross) 23 years old or older ( ) month € 1.495,20 week € 345,05 36/40 h day € 69,01 Salaries are going down (2013) Horeca & Tourism€ 10,50 - € 10,40-1,0% Heatlhcare€ 14,80 - € 14,40-2,7% Financials€ 16,50 - € 15,20-7,9% IT & Telecom€ 16,50 - € 15,10-8,5%
11 Cost of living What can you do with your money? The prices Torino are 23.83% lower than in Amsterdam You are rich in Krakow with 1700 euro! o In Amsterdam you will need 3700 euro o In Belfast 2800 euro, in Dublin 3900, Sofia Werken in Europa
What’s different? Expensive o Housing o Transportation o Restaurants o Health insurance (semi private) o Fines How to save money o Taxs reductions o Bonus-cards o Bicycle o Drive carefull phoning without handsfree 350,- + Administration fee: 12,50 Euro’s
13 Looking for a job EURES Portal “Flagged” vacancies The EURAXESS Jobs Portal o Temp agencies “Uitzendbureaus”(should be member of e.g. ABU or NBBU) Speculative applications Knowledge of English is required.
Search engines Look for a simple but effective keyword. A good keyword is “engineer” or “welder” Vacancy in English: the employer expects applications from abroad.
Who qualifies for support? aged EU nationals legally living in an EU country What support is available? Job matching and job placement support. Funding towards the costs of an interview trip and/or of moving abroad to take up a new job. Companies with up to 250 employees) may apply for financial support to cover part of the cost of training newly-recruited workers and helping them settle in. 15 Your first EURES job
A good CV for Dutch employers -Short (two pages max). -You can add a portfolio or link to your website - A clear lay-out An Europass cv is good enough. Targeted and relevant. Keywords No Abbreviations without explanation No “Funny” mail addresses: -Photograph.
Your CV Personal information Gender, date of birth, adress, international phonenumber, … + nationality Introduction Elevator pitch Education Diploma abroad: Experience & skills Hobbies and extra curricular activities
EURES module PAG 18 What to do when you come Register at the municipality Apply for BSN (Civil Service Number) Health insurance (obligatory) Within 30 days After 3 months: residence permit Tax reduction
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