[By Ron Halbrook; Mike Willis, Harmony in the Home]
Introduction: 1. Christ introduced his new kingdom in the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5-7) Kingdom: God’s rule for our salvation, realm of fellowship with God 3
Introduction: 2. Matt. 5 Conduct in the kingdom Be a good example Avoid sinful expressions of anger How to settle conflicts Avoid sinful sexual lust Avoid fornication & divorce 4
I. Conduct in the Kingdom A. Be a Good Example Matt. 5:13-16 As salt & light 5
I. Conduct in the Kingdom A. Be a Good Example Matt. 5:13-16 As salt & light Salt: small but powerful Light penetrates darkness A Christian’s character & conduct: very powerful influence! 8
I. Conduct in the Kingdom A. Be a Good Example Matt. 5:13-16 As salt & light Guard our influence: do not lose the salt flavor or hide the light 9
I. Conduct in the Kingdom A. Be a Good Example Matt. 5:13-16 As salt & light Apply this in the home Be example to unbelievers, not yield to their influence Strong in the faith, not yield to false teachers 10
I. Conduct in the Kingdom A. Be a Good Example Matt. 5:13-16 As salt & light Apply this in the home Be example to family: faithful to worship, honest, clean mouth, control temper, no worldliness, no adultery, no drugs 11
I. Conduct in the Kingdom A. Be a Good Example Matt. 5:13-16 As salt & light Apply this in the home Sin breeds stress, shame, conflict Salt, light promote harmony 15
I. Conduct in the Kingdom B. Avoid Sinful Expressions of Anger Matt. 5:21-22 Bad temper leads to hell 16
17 [empty head, idiot] [morally worthless]
I. Conduct in the Kingdom B. Avoid Sinful Expressions of Anger Matt. 5:21-22 Bad temper leads to hell Spiritual kingdom: control our heart to control our actions Uncontrolled anger escalates to foul words: Idiot! Reprobate!! 18
I. Conduct in the Kingdom B. Avoid Sinful Expressions of Anger Abusive anger destroys harmony in home 19 Hatred Bitterness Revenge Cursing Threats Pouting Striking Screaming Throw things Blasphemy
I. Conduct in the Kingdom B. Avoid Sinful Expressions of Anger Controlled temper: harmony in home 20
I. Conduct in the Kingdom C. How to Settle Conflicts Matt. 5:23-26 Seek reconciliation now! 21
I. Conduct in the Kingdom C. How to Settle Conflicts Matt. 5:23-26 Seek reconciliation now! Unsettled conflicts fester, escalate, & explode When sin against a mate, seek reconciliation now: repent, apologize, make correction, follow up! 24
I. Conduct in the Kingdom C. How to Settle Conflicts Matt. 5:23-26 Seek reconciliation now! Hold grudges & resentment: anger will explode again Be ready to pray for each other, forgive & forget: harmony! 25
I. Conduct in the Kingdom D. Avoid Sinful Sexual Lust Matt. 5:27-30 Guard heart, eyes, hands 26
I. Conduct in the Kingdom D. Avoid Sinful Sexual Lust Matt. 5:27-30 Guard heart, eyes, hands Better to suffer pain to repent & change our lives, not the pain of hell 29
I. Conduct in the Kingdom D. Avoid Sinful Sexual Lust Matt. 5:27-30 Guard heart, eyes, hands Guard the heart by control eyes, hands: do not feed our eyes & touch a lady in sinful ways If disobey: wife wounded many ways If obey: harmony in the home! 30
I. Conduct in the Kingdom E. Avoid Fornication & Divorce Matt. 5:31-32 Better to solve our problem, not send 3 souls to hell 31
I. Conduct in the Kingdom E. Avoid Fornication & Divorce Matt. 5:31-32 Better to solve our problem, not send 3 souls to hell Divorce destroys happiness, homes, souls— better to solve our problem! Fornication destroys happiness, homes, souls—better to solve our problem! 33
36 5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Born of water: submit in water baptism …and of the Spirit: gave the gospel
37 Good Example Avoid Sinful Anger Settle Conflicts Avoid Sinful Sexual Lust Avoid Fornication & Divorce