Not legislation, but order by the President Truman Military desegregated
During the Eisenhower administration Goal was to increase African American voting in the South Gave federal courts power to register African American voters It was too complicated and was ineffective, but set the precedent for later legislation
Johnson proposes federal legislation to improve quality of life for all Americans It addressed many aspects of life and called for a “War on Poverty” It ultimately failed due to the cost of the program and funding the Vietnam War
Required companies to pay women the same wages as men for the same work
Prohibited any poll tax in elections for federal officials
Prohibited discrimination based on color, race, ethnic origin: In hotels In restaurants At places of employment doing biz w/ the fed gov’t or interstate commerce Show Birmingham Protest Vid Simply put – it ended segregation
Increased federal power over voting Led to increase in number of African American voters Ended poll taxes Suspended literacy tests Show Bloody Sunday Vid
Signed by President Johnson Required federal contractors to increase their minority employees by actively recruiting them It has been mostly phased out Very controversial
Banned sex discrimination in schools Guaranteed girls the same opportunities as boys Helped women earn higher degrees, compete in sports, and get education jobs