Online Resources
Commercial Lexis and Westlaw are organized to help you easily locate resources within a variety of different databases. Lexis and Westlaw are organized to help you easily locate resources within a variety of different databases. The next few slides contain an edited summary of the resources available on Westlaw. The next few slides contain an edited summary of the resources available on Westlaw. –Although asylum itself is not treated as its own topic area, you can use the databases under immigration to search more specifically for asylum information.
Immigration Immigration – Federal Cases Cases - All Courts (FIM-CS) - Supreme Court (FIM-SCT) - Courts of Appeals (FIM-CTA) - District Courts (FIM-DCT) Cases - All Courts (FIM-CS) - Supreme Court (FIM-SCT) - Courts of Appeals (FIM-CTA) - District Courts (FIM-DCT) Federal Immigration - Headnotes (FIM-HN) Federal Immigration - Headnotes (FIM-HN) –Key Number Service topic Aliens Aliens –Federal Statutes & Legislative History […] […] Federal Immigration Bills (FIM-BILLTXT) Federal Immigration Bills (FIM-BILLTXT) Federal Immigration Legislative History (FIM-LH) Federal Immigration Legislative History (FIM-LH) Federal Immigration Congressional Record (FIM-CR) Federal Immigration Congressional Record (FIM-CR) Immigration and Nationality Act (FIM-INA) Immigration and Nationality Act (FIM-INA)
Federal Administrative Materials Federal Administrative Materials –Code of Federal Regulations (FIM-CFR) –Federal Immigration - Board of Immigration Appeals Practice Manual (FIM-BIAPRAC) –Federal Immigration - Guide to Naturalization (FIM-NAT) –Federal Immigration - Immigration Primary Source Documents (FIM-INSPUBS) –Federal Immigration - Policy and Procedural Memoranda (FIM-POLPROC) –Federal Immigration - US State Department, Country Reports on Human Rights (FIM-COUNTRY) –Federal Immigration Administrative Decisions Combined (FIM-ADMIN) –Federal Register (FIM-FR) –[…] –[…]
Forms, Treatises, CLEs & Other Practice Material Forms, Treatises, CLEs & Other Practice Material –Immigration Law Service 2d (IMMLS2D) –U.S. Citizenship and Naturalization Handbook (USCITNAT) Law Reviews, Texts & Periodicals Law Reviews, Texts & Periodicals –Immigration Official Forms (IMMOF) –Immigration Legislation Handbook (IMLH) –West Legal Directory - Immigration (WLD-IM) –International Migration Review (IMR) –Migration World Magazine (MWM)
Websites Asylum Case Research Guide from Georgetown Universitys Center for Applied Legal Studies Asylum Case Research Guide from Georgetown Universitys Center for Applied Legal Studies Asylum Case Research Guide Asylum Case Research Guide Gender Asylum Law from Center for Gender and Refugee Studies Gender Asylum Law from Center for Gender and Refugee Studies Gender Asylum Law Gender Asylum Law American Immigration Lawyers Association American Immigration Lawyers Association American Immigration Lawyers Association American Immigration Lawyers Association