CLOUD COMPUTING 黃政明 陳其偉 李佳融 廖柏威 吳宜憲 簡瑋男 朱思翰
I NTRODUCE TO C LOUD C OMPUTING Cloud computing, one kind of distributed computing technology. The term Cloud Computing derives from the common depiction in most technology architecture diagrams
CLOUD COMPUTING HISTORY In the past computers were clustered together to form a single larger computer. the cluster management software ensured that the “best” CPU at that time was used to run the code.
GRID COMPUTING Grid computing - expands the techniques of clustering Had to be jumped with the move from clustering to grid was data residency
T HE N UTS Storage management Security provisioning Data movement
EMC PLANS cloud will monitor data usage, and it automatically shunts data around to load-balance data requests and internet traffic, being self tuning to automatically react to surges in demand
A DVANTAGES OF C LOUD C OMPUTING Cloud computing infrastructures can allow enterprises to achieve more efficient use of their IT hardware and software investments. Cloud computing can reduce computerized equipment cost. Cloud computing can let user use system conveniently, user can use it anyplace and anytime by Internet.
A DVANTAGES OF C LOUD C OMPUTING Cloud computing can reduce time and human resources cost. Cloud computing can apply high-speed operation in bioscience and linear programming. Location of infrastructure in areas with lower costs of real estate and electricity.
3 LAYERS OF CLOUD COMPUTING Application layer Platform layer Infrastructure layer
AMAZON ELASTIC COMPUTE CLOUD A commercial web service which allows customers to rent computers on which to run their own computer applications Allows scalable deployment of applications Instance -- a virtual private server use by EC2
G OOGLE T ECHNOLOGY GFS (Google File System) 分散式資料系統 Map Reduce 分散式計算系統 Big Table 分散式儲存系統
GOOGLE SERVICE – GMAIL Ample mail storage Integrated contact list Mobile access
GOOGLE SERVICE – GOOGLE CALENDAR Sharing is built-in Integrated contact list Mobile access
GOOGLE SERVICE – GOOGLE DOCS Online document creation Real-time collaboration Revision history
CLOUD COMPUTING IN THE FUTURE Security issue Programmer maintaining, educate employee