Why Software Engineering? 中国科学技术大学软件学院 孟宁 2015 年 09 月.


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Presentation transcript:

Why Software Engineering? 中国科学技术大学软件学院 孟宁 2015 年 09 月

编程的乐趣 ♦

软件工程的地位 ♦ 程序 = 算法 + 数据结构 ♦ 软件 = 程序 + 软件工程 ♦ 软件企业 = 软件 + 商业模式

Agenda 1.1 What is Software Engineering? 1.2 How Successful Have We Been? 1.3 What Is Good Software? 1.4 Who Does Software Engineering? 1.5 A System Approach 1.6 An Engineering Approach 1.7 Members of the Development Team 1.8 How Has Software Engineering Changed?

Objectives ♦What we mean by software engineering ♦Software engineering’s track record ♦What we mean by good software ♦Why a system approach is important ♦How software engineering has changed since 1970s

1.1 What is Software Engineering Solving Problems ♦Software products are large and complex ♦Development requires analysis and synthesis –Analysis: decompose a large problem into smaller, understandable pieces abstraction is the key –Synthesis: build (compose) a software from smaller building blocks composition is challenging

1.1 What is Software Engineering Solving Problems ♦The analysis process

1.1 What is Software Engineering Solving Problems ♦The synthesis process

1.1 What is Software Engineering Solving Problems ♦Method: refers to a formal procedure; a formal “recipe” for accomplishing a goal that is typically independent of the tools used ♦Tool: an instrument or automated system for accomplishing something in a better way ♦Procedure: a combination of tools and techniques to produce a product ♦Paradigm: philosophy or approach for building a product (e.g., OO vs structured approaches)

1.1 What is Software Engineering Where Does the Software Engineer Fit In? ♦Computer science: focusing on computer hardware, compilers, operating systems, and programming languages ♦Software engineering: a discipline that uses computer and software technologies as a problem-solving tools

1.1 What is Software Engineering Where Does the Software Engineer Fit In? ♦Relationship between computer science and software engineering

1.2 How Successful Have We Been? ♦Perform tasks more quickly and effectively –Word processing, spreadsheets, ♦Support advances in medicine, agriculture, transportation, multimedia education, and most other industries ♦Many good stories ♦However, software is not without problems

1.2 How Successful Have We Been? Sidebar 1.1 Terminology for Describing Bugs ♦A fault: occurs when a human makes a mistake, called an error, in performing some software activities ♦A failure: is a departure from the system’s required behaviour

1.2 How Successful Have We Been? Examples of Software Failure ♦IRS hired Sperry Corporation to build an automated federal income tax form processing process –An extra $90 M was needed to enhance the original $103 product –IRS lost $40.2 M on interests and $22.3 M in overtime wages because refunds were not returned on time ♦Malfunctioning code in Therac-25 killed several people ♦Reliability constraints have caused cancellation of many safety critical systems –Safety-critical: something whose failure poses a threat to life or health

1.3 What Is Good Software? Sidebar 1.2 Perspective on Quality ♦The transcendental view: quality is something we can recognize but not define ♦The user view: quality is fitness for purpose ♦The manufacturing view: quality is conformance to specification ♦The product view: quality tied to inherent product characteristics ♦The value-based view: depends on the amount the customers is willing to pay for it

1.3 What is Good Software? ♦Good software engineering must always include a strategy for producing quality software ♦Three ways of considering quality –The quality of the product –The quality of the process –The quality of the product in the context of the business environment

1.3 What Is Good Software? The Quality of the Product ♦Users judge external characteristics (e.g., correct functionality, number of failures, type of failures) ♦Designers and maintainers judge internal characteristics (e.g., types of faults) ♦Thus different stakeholders may have different criteria ♦Need quality models to relate the user’s external view to developer’s internal view

1.3 What Is Good Software? The Quality of the Product (continued) ♦McCall’s quality model

1.3 What Is Good Software? The Quality of the Process ♦Quality of the development and maintenance process is as important as the product quality ♦The development process needs to be modeled ♦Modeling will address questions such as –Where to find a particular kind of fault –How to find faults early –How to build in fault tolerance –What are alternative activities

1.3 What Is Good Software? The Quality of the Process (continued) ♦Models for process improvement –SEI’s Capability Maturity Model (CMM) –ISO 9000 –Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination (SPICE)

1.3 What Is Good Software? The Quality in the Context of the Business Environment ♦Business value is as important as technical value ♦Business value (in relationship to technical value) must be quantified ♦A common approach: return on investment (ROI) ♦ROI is interpreted in different terms: reducing costs, predicting savings, improving productivity, and costs (efforts and resources)

1.4 Who Does Software Engineering? ♦Customer: the company, organization, or person who pays for the software system ♦Developer: the company, organization, or person who is building the software system ♦User: the person or people who will actually use the system

1.4 Who Does Software Engineering? (continued) ♦Participants (stakeholders) in a software development project

1.5 System Approach ♦Hardware, software, interaction with people ♦Identify activities and objects ♦Define the system boundary ♦Consider nested systems, systems interrelationship

1.5 System Approach The Element of a System ♦Activities and objects –An activity is an event initiated by a trigger –Objects or entities are the elements involved in the activities ♦Relationships and the system boundaries –A relationship defines the interaction among entities and activities –System boundaries determine the origin of input and destinations of the output

1.5 System Approach The Element of a System (continued) ♦Example of systems: a human respiratory system

1.5 System Approach The Element of a System (continued) ♦A computer system must also be clearly described: System definition of a paycheck production

1.5 System Approach Interrelated Systems ♦Some systems are dependent to other systems –The interdependencies may be complex ♦It is possible for one system to exist inside another system ♦If the boundary definitions are detailed, building a larger system from the smaller ones is relatively easy

1.5 System Approach Interrelated Systems (continued) ♦A layered system

1.6 Engineering Approach Building a System ♦Requirement analysis and definition ♦System design ♦Program design ♦Writing the programs ♦Unit testing ♦Integration testing ♦System testing ♦System delivery ♦Maintenance

1.7 Members of the Development Team ♦Requirement analysts: work with the customers to identify and document the requirements ♦Designers: generate a system-level description of what the system is supposed to do ♦Programmers: write lines of code to implement the design ♦Testers: catch faults ♦Trainers: show users how to use the system ♦Maintenance team: fix faults that show up later ♦Librarians: prepare and store documents such as software requirements ♦Configuration management team: maintain correspondence among various artifacts

1.7 Members of the Development Team (continued) ♦Typical roles played by the members of a development team

1.8 How Has Software Engineering Changed? The Nature of the Change ♦Before 1970s –Single processors: mainframes –Designed in one of two ways as a transformation: input was converted to output as a transaction: input determined which function should be performed ♦After 1970s –Run on multiple systems –Perform multi-functions

1.8 How Has SE Changed? Wasserman's Seven Key Factors 1.Critically of time-to-market 2.Shifts in the economics of computing 3.Availability of powerful desktop computing 4.Extensive local- and wide-area networking 5.Availability and adoption of object-oriented technology 6.Graphical user interfaces 7.Unpredictability of the waterfall model of software development

1.8 How Has SE Changed? Wasserman's Seven Key Factors (continued) ♦The key factors that have changed the software development

1.8 How Has SE Changed? Wasserman's Discipline of Software Engineering ♦Abstractions ♦Analysis and design methods and notations ♦User interface prototyping ♦Software architecture ♦Software process ♦Reuse ♦Measurement ♦Tools and integrated environments

1.8 How Has SE Changed? Abstraction ♦A description of the problem at some level of generalization –Hide details

1.8 How Has SE Changed? Analysis and Design Methods and Notations ♦Provide documentation ♦Facilitate communication ♦Offer multiple views ♦Unify different views

1.8 How Has SE Changed? User Interface Prototyping ♦Prototyping: building a small version of a system –Help users identify key requirements of a system –Demonstrate feasibility ♦Develop good user interface

1.8 How Has SE Changed? Software Architecture ♦A system’s architecture describes the system in terms of a set of architectural units and relationships between these units ♦Architectural decomposition techniques –Modular decomposition –Data-oriented decomposition –Event-driven decomposition –Outside-in-design decomposition –Object-oriented decomposition

1.8 How Has SE Changed? Software Process ♦Many variations ♦Different types of software need different processes –Enterprise-wide applications need a great deal of control –Departmental applications can take advantage of rapid development

1.8 How Has SE Changed? Software Process (continued) ♦Pictorial representation of differences in development processes

1.8 How Has SE Changed? Software Reuse ♦Commonalities between applications may allow reusing artifacts from previous developments –Improve productivity –Reduce costs ♦Potential concerns –It may be faster to build a smaller application than searching for reusable components –Generalized components take more time to build –Must clarify who will be responsible for maintaining reusable components –Generality vs specificity: always a conflict

1.8 How Has SE Changed? Measurement ♦Objective: describe quality goals in a quantitative way

1.8 How Has SE Changed? Tools and Integrated Environments ♦Platform integration (on heterogeneous networks) ♦Presentation integration (commonality of user interface) ♦Process integration (linking tools and the development process) ♦Data integration (to share common data) ♦Control integration (the ability of one tool to initiate action in another one)

What this Chapter Means for You ♦Given a problem to solve –Analyze it –Synthesize a solution ♦Understand that requirements may change ♦Must view quality from several different perspectives ♦Use fundamental software engineering concepts (e.g., abstractions and measurements) ♦Keep system boundary in mind

Question 1 ♦ 假如小王要从苏州到纽约去度假,她要面 对如何到达纽约的问题,利用本章学习的 方法您来分析这个问题并给出几套解决方 案供小王选择。

Question 2 ♦ 简述软件开发过程 ♦Requirements analysis and definition ♦System design ♦Program design ♦Writing programs ♦Unit testing ♦Integration testing ♦System testing ♦System delivery ♦Maintenance ♦Communication ♦Planning ♦Modeling –Analysis of requirements –Design ♦Construction –Code generation –Testing ♦Deployment

Question 3 ♦ 假设我们正在开发一个图书馆管理系统,它由三个主要的 子系统构成,分别是:借阅 / 归还事务处理;目录管理; 和报表处理。在开发的过程中出现了一些问题。请将下列 问题分类( Error , Fault , Failure ) ♦1. 在计算超期罚款的代码中, fine_total 变量未被初始化。 ♦2. 在图书管理员试图向目录中添加新书名的时候,系统关 机了。 ♦3. 需求分析的作者并不知道还书的时候是不需要读者证的。 ♦4. 在需求分析中,超期罚款规定为每天 0.25 美元,上限 15 美元。但计算超期罚款的代码并没有考虑罚款上限问题。 ♦5. 根据设定,图书管理系统会在每晚 11 点备份全天处理的 事务。但周二晚上并没有进行备份。

Question 4 ♦ 谈一谈如何在软件开 发过程中提高产品质 量。

Question 5 ♦ 谈一谈系统化和抽象化如何统一起来,以 帮助我们设计更简单更有效的解决方案。

谢谢大家! References 软件工程 - 理论与实践(第四版 影印版) Software Engineering: Theory and Practice (Fourth Edition),Shari Lawrence Pfleeger,Joanne M. Atlee, 高等教育 出版社 软件工程 - 理论与实践(第四版) Software Engineering: Theory and Practice (Fourth Edition),Shari Lawrence Pfleeger,Joanne M. Atlee, 杨卫东译, 人民邮电 出版社 软件工程 — 实践者的研究方法( Software Engineering-A Practitioner’s Approach ) ; ( 美 ) Roger S. Pressman 著; 机械工业出版社 ISBN :