LGK MISU Apr 2005 Sulfur cycle along the Andes: the role of volcanoes Laura Gallardo Klenner Center for Mathematical Modeling, U niversity of Chile (CNRS UMI 2807) (ExMISUit)
LGK MISU Apr 2005 Outlook Motivation and perspective Stratocumulus, ocean and cordillera Anthropogenic sulfur Biogenic sulfur Volcanic sulfur –Eruptive activity –Fumarolic activity Projects, people and collaboration Summary
LGK MISU Apr 2005 Motivation and perspective To take over the world! –Promote the use and application of advanced mathematics in atmospheric and climate modeling. –Contribute to the establishment of integrated climatic models … –Capacity building in the fields of atmospheric modeling, applied mathematics,computer science, etc.
LGK MISU Apr 2005 If you think in terms of tourism… Now, if you (also) think in terms of science…
LGK MISU Apr 2005 The most persistent Sc deck…key to the regional climate
LGK MISU Apr 2005 Oxidized sulfur (SO x =SO 2 +sulfate) is perhaps the most "natural" species to focus on in Chile …
LGK MISU Apr 2005 Potential effects on Sc clouds?
LGK MISU Apr 2005 Chile is the largest Cu producer in the world, i.e., large S emissions 70% Chilean emissions 30 % South American 1% Worldwide
LGK MISU Apr 2005 Coastal lows and anthropogenic S SO 4 /PM2.5
LGK MISU Apr 2005 Coastal lows and off shore transport episodes in Northern Chile Huneeus, Gallardo and Rutllant, 2005 (prep)
LGK MISU Apr 2005 MODIS data… Is there an effect? Droplet radii anomaly Cloud water anomaly
LGK MISU Apr 2005 Dimetil sulfide DMS CH 3 -S-S-CH 3 Biogenic emissions are surely significant, but how much are they??
LGK MISU Apr 2005 There are more than 100 active volcanoes along the Andes!! WE KNOW LITTLE ABOUT THEM ZVN ZVC ZVS ZVA Alvaro Amigo
LGK MISU Apr 2005 Radiative Forcing W/m 2 : 39.6% ( 75 TgS/yr man made) vs 32.9% ( 10 TgS/yr volcanic).
LGK MISU Apr 2005 Láscar Volcano (5593 m.a.s.l.) Nov. 1989: Fumarolic emissions Ap 1993: Subplinian eruption
LGK MISU Apr 1120 [Mg/d] 400 [Kton] 30%
LGK MISU Apr 2005 Subplinian emissions as pulses 19 Km 14 Km 11 Km 4 Km 26 Km
LGK MISU Apr 2005 SO 2 burden as observed by TOMS and simulated by MATCH April 19April 20 April 21
LGK MISU Apr 2005 DEPOSITION PATTERN Apr 25 May 05 May 10 Signal at the Illimani ice core
LGK MISU Apr 2005 Ash deposition pattern Castruccio, Amigo, Gallardo, 2004
LGK MISU Apr 2005 Subplininian eruption simulations The overall pattern of SO x (and ash) dispersion as seen in satellite images is captured in the simulations. Also, the simulated deposition pattern is in accordance with observations from ice cores at the Illimani and Tapado glaciers. But the deposition rates are underestimated (wrong high-altitude precipitation, too weak STE, …) Amigo, Gallardo, Ekman & Engardt, 2005 ( in prep)
LGK MISU Apr 2005 Fumarolic activity from Andean volcanoes as a source of aerosols in the upper troposphere L. Gallardo (1), A. M. L. Ekman (2), A. Amigo (1,3), and Engardt, M (4). (1) Center for Mathematical Modeling, University of Chile, Casilla 170, Correo 3, Santiago, CHILE (2) Department of Meteorology Stockholm University, SE , Stockholm, SWEDEN (3) Department of Geology, University of Chile, Casilla 13518, Correo 21, Santiago, CHILE (Now at Bristol, UK) (4) Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, SE Norrköping, SWEDEN
LGK MISU Apr 2005 Fumarolic emissions…lots!!
LGK MISU Apr 2005 Dispersion pattern
LGK MISU Apr 2005 Fumarolic (2300) vs. anthropogenic (2100 ) emissions (MgSO 2 /d) S volc S volc + S ant
LGK MISU Apr 2005 New particles may be formed! (Ekman connection & box model)
LGK MISU Apr 2005 ...Fumarolic emissions Andean volcanoes show a persistent fumarolic activity, rich in S …but these emissions are badly constrained This appears to result in a significant production of new particles The strength of fumarolic emissions from the Láscar volcano is comparable to the anthropogenic one in the area …but while volcanic sulfur affects the upper troposphere and to the east of the Andean range…. … the anthropogenic sulfur affects the lower troposphere to west of the Andean range
LGK MISU Apr 2005 B iotic and A biotic S ulfur I mpacts on S tratocumulus (BASIS) To take over the worl d! 2007
LGK MISU Apr 2005 Earth System Modeling and Inverse Problems Laura Gallardo Axel Osses Jaime Ortega Olivier Titaud Maisa Rojas Karina Malla Omar Cuevas Isabel Ramos Henry Quiroz Alejandra Oyanadel
LGK MISU Apr 2005 Depto. de Geología
LGK MISU Apr 2005 Project$ A Europe-South America Network for Climate Change Assessment and Impact Studies (EU- CLARIS, ) Urban Mobile Emissions in South American Cities (IAI-UMESAM, )…South American Emissions, Megacities, and Climate (SAEMC, Proposal ) Parallel and distributed computing and its application to chemical weather forecast and climate in Chile (FONDEF, Proposal ) ECOS Impacts of natural and anthropogenic aerosols on the stratocumulus deck off Chile. (3+2) INRIA-CONICYT : "Application and development of inverse modeling techqniques to air quality monitoring network design". FONDECYT (3) CODELCO-IM2, 2004/2005:Design of an emission survey and control system
LGK MISU Apr 2005 Altogether The S cycle and its interactions with clouds (Sc!, Ci?) is amazingly interesting in the west coast of South America… but barely known There are increasing capabilities in Chile regarding people, modeling and monitoring Fumarolic emissions from Andean volcanoes may play a key-role for the aerosol content and the chemistry of the upper troposphere… What a fascinating play ground for research and applications…¡bienvenidos(as)!
LGK MISU Apr 2005 Tack MISU- IMI!!