Welcome to Middlesex University School of Health and Education
BA Primary Education Middlesex University BA (Hons) Primary Education (with QTS)
Pre Induction Day Welcome to Middlesex University Staff and students here to help you today are: Christine Khwaja Director of Programmes Lorraine Kessler-Singh Programme Leader Helen Farmery and Anne Cullen Primary Education Senior Lecturers BA Primary Education Year 3 students
Structure of the day to Welcome, introductions, about your programme. (in College Building) to Comfort break – Interactive activity – groups led by academic staff (in Building 9) to 1.30 Lunch 1.30 to 3.30 Professional skills workshop (in College Building room C115) 02/10/2015Slide 4
Building 9 You are here Room C115
Why choose us? Ofsted graded us as ‘good with outstanding features’ in our latest inspection Whatuni ranked Middlesex University 21st in the category ‘top universities of the year’ 87% students on their final placement received an outstanding grade and other students were graded good Many of our students gain their first teaching post in a partnership school; 100% of students start their NQT post after completing their course After three years of teaching our employment figures of Middlesex teachers are higher than the London sector average.
21 st Century campus and excellent learning resources Learning Environment and Resources
Studying at Middlesex Programme Module Details Year 1 English, mathematics and science for the Primary Teacher. Art, Humanities Teaching English, mathematics, science, IT and PE at Reception and Key Stage One. Professional Studies for School Based Training One and School Based Training One (Reception/Key Stage One ). Year 2 Teaching English, Mathematics, Science, IT and PE at Key Stage Two Professional Studies for School Based Training Two and School Based Training Two (Key Stage Two) Cross Curricular Studies, Music, RE/ Citizenship Special Educational Needs Year 3 School Based Training Three (Key Stage One or Two) Issues in Science and IT, English, Mathematics, Humanities and Inclusive Practices
Studying at Middlesex School Based Training ProgrammeYear 1Year 2Year 3 BA Primary Reception/ Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2Key Stage 1 or 2
How will I be assessed? Students are assessed in a variety of ways, including, essays, structured questions, observation, presentations. There are no exams.
Enrichment opportunities: Some of things our students enjoyed 02/10/2015Slide 11 Studying a maths or science specialism from Year 2 Doing an optional SEND placement in Year 2 Able to study abroad in the third year Many curriculum outings throughout the programme Regular meeting times with tutors Learning about teaching PE in a local partnership school
Characteristics of a Middlesex trainee teacher You : have an anchored integrity; respect yourself & others; a strong ethical sense & balance; knowledge of how children learn; are kind, fair and inclusive; empathetic, thoughtful, reflective, critical of top down initiatives- realistic yet savvy; inspirational; enquiring; adaptable; can take risks; are an active communicator; sideways thinker; creative; competent; confident; have a range of growing pedagogies & knowledge
Welcome to our Wiki Please take a postcard and do visit: Peg.middlesex.wikispaces.net It contains : Message from the programme leader What our students say about the programme Skills Test support information on Pre course events and summer reading Induction day details Key dates 02/10/2015Slide 13
Looking forward to the Induction week Monday 28 th September to Friday 2 nd October (a week of activities and seminars) Making friends (meeting students, tutors, team building) Learning about the Primary Education Programme Experiencing learning outside of the classroom (art gallery visit) Beginning to think like a teacher Freshers events 02/10/2015Slide 14
More of what our students say 02/10/2015Slide 15 I have made so many good friends on the course who I know will be my friends for life The tutors here are great. They are really good at explaining things and I am able to contact them when I need to.
Any questions? Please contact: Lorraine Kessler-Singh Programme Leader BA (Hons) Primary Education