Vocabulary Quiz-Thursday
Charging by Friction and Contact
When electrons are transferred by one material rubbing against the other
Van de Graaff Generator Invented by American physicist Robert Van de Graaff, 1929
Why this happens
Friction Charges can separate from one another in clouds, due to friction
1.Cloud to ground 2.Cloud to cloud or Intracloud The charged regions within the atmosphere temporarily equalize themselves through a lightning flash
Cloud-to-ground lightning occurs when negative charges accumulate in the lower portions of the cloud. Positive charges are attracted to a relatively small area in the ground directly beneath the cloud establishing a large voltage difference between the ground and the cloud base.
About 80 percent of all lightning is cloud-to-cloud lightning, or sheet lightning (b/c it lights up the sky with a sheet of light), which occurs when the voltage gradient within a cloud, or between clouds, overcomes the electrical resistance of the air. The result is a large and powerful spark that partially equalizes the charge separation. Sheet Lightning
Heat Lightning Lightning from a thunderstorm that is too far away to be heard.
Forked Lightning- Has branching in its paths
A bizarre type of electrification called ball lightning appears as a round, glowing mass of electrified air, up to the size of a basketball, that seems to roll through the air or along a surface for 15 seconds or so before either dissipating or exploding. Seen escorting bomber planes in World War II just off their wingtips. Pilots referred to it as “foo fighters” as they initially were thought to be enemy planes. Ball Lightning
Fulgarites HollywoodReality A hollow fragile rock
The benefit of lightning Heat and pressure from lightning also breaks down the nitrogen in our air to a useful form. The nitrogen acts as a natural fertilizer.
Most common cause of death is cardiac arrest –In humans 70% of victims survive because CPR was given in time –Animals have a nearly 100% mortality rate because CPR is unable to be given to them Most common visual injury is burns Lightning’s affect on Humans and Animals
Induction The charging of an object without direct contact
Grounding It acts as overvoltage protection in the case of lightning or a power surge. The extra electrons go into the earth.