Chapter 2 – Software Processes Lecture 1 1Chapter 2 Software Processes
Topics covered Software process models Process activities Coping with change The Rational Unified Process An example of a modern software process. 2Chapter 2 Software Processes
Agenda Lecturer Information. Course Overview / Requirements. Introduction to SE.
Contact Information Lecturer: Assis. Prof. Dr. Mogeeb Mosleh Web Site: will be release soon
Course Contents Introduction to Software Engineering. System Engineering. Software Process. Software Requirement. System Models. Prototyping. Formal Specification. System Design. System Testing. Software Management.
Expected Learning Outcomes At the End of this course students should be able to: Explain the concept of software engineering. Describe the various software process models. Explain software engineering activities. Specify the requirements and design for a small software system. Differentiate between software validation and verification. Understand the management of software engineering projects.
Course Resources Sommerville, I. (2011). Software Engineering. (9 th ) Edition. Addison- Wesley. Pfleeger, S. L. (2006). Software Engineering: Theory and Practice. 3rd Edition. Prentice Hall. Carlo Ghezzi, Mehdi Jazayeri, Dino Mandrioli. (2003). Fundamentals of Software Engineering. 2nd Edition. Prentice Hall.
Course Requirements - Recap 5% Attendance/ Participation 15% Assignments / Tutorial 10% Mid term Exam 20% Group Project/ Presentation 50% Final Exam
Evaluation & Weightage Continuous Assessments : 50% Attendance / Participation: 5% Assignments/Tutorials: 15% Mid Semester Exam: 10% Group Project/ Presentations: 20% Final Examination: 50%
Attendance/Participation Attendance Attendance must be 80% or more. Absent – please provide a letter. Absent > 3 times – provide a reasonable reasons. Bar from exam. Switch off hand phone during lecture. Participation Active Student. 5%
Assignments/Tutorials You will be assigned a number of related tutorials. You will need to read and answer them and return soft and hard copies of your answers. Tutorial tasks are very important for understanding the concepts and applying them in real scenarios. Projects and assignments – on time 15%
Mid Term Exam You will be given ONE MID TERM EXAM on certain topics that will be covered in the lectures. Format will be discussed later. Topics covered will be announced later. Time: After Mid Semester Break. 10%
Group Project/Presentation Self-select into groups (2-3 students each) Each group will be hired to develop a system. You will have to explore the assigned system and follow the software engineering process in developing your system. You can use any programming language and/or tool to implement and develop the assigned system. Your group project MUST be documented well and a report must be submitted in soft and hard copies. Prepare a 20 to 25 minutes presentation and demo. 20%
Format of Submission Hard copy Word-processed Include the following information: Title of assignment & (due date) Your name + (Matrics number) Your address Lecturer’s name To be submitted to me during class.
Final Exam Give certain scenario and apply concepts that have been learnt throughout the semester. Includes material from entire semester? All materials are important for the final exam 50%
Any Questions?