Soviet invasion of Afghanistan In 1922, the communist Soviet Union was formed. The Soviets took control of the country of Russia then began to expand their power by conquering neighboring countries. All of the countries conquered became part of the Soviet Union, one enormous country.
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan When the Soviets tried to invade Afghanistan, the Afghanis, as weak as their country was, decided to fight back. With money and weapons supplied by several of their allies (including the U.S.) they were able to fight the Soviets off. The Soviets did control the country, however the fighters never backed down. The war lasted 9 years, but the Soviets finally began their withdraw in It was a big blow to the large Soviet Union to be defeated by the weak and poor Afghanis. One of these fighters was a Saudi man named Osama bin Laden.
The Mujahideen (Holy Warriors/Freedom Fighters) The Mujahideen, civilian armies, were the Afghani fighters who fought off the Soviets. After the war, the Soviets no longer controlled the government of Afghanistan and the Mujahideen set up a new government. However, they could not all agree on how to run the country and conflict arose. Unfortunately, the countries that gave weapons to the Afghanis (including the U.S.) and promised to help them rebuild after the Soviets left, didn’t keep their promise…
One group of Mujahideen, The Taliban, (Students of Islamic Knowledge Movement ) grew larger over time and began to take over the country of Afghanistan in the mid 1990s. Their goal was to create an Islamic state with very strict laws that they believed were how a true Muslim should live. They gained power and money with the help of an EXTREMELY wealthy man from Saudi Arabia Osama bin Laden, who would later go on to create another extremist group, Al Qaida.
The Taliban set strict laws regarding how to follow Islam. Things like movies, music, and books were banned. Men were forced to grow a beard which is considered a symbol of a religious man in Islam. Rights of women were completely taken away. Women were forced to cover themselves completely and were forbidden to get an education or even leave the house in some situations. Not following these laws could result in death.
Al Qaida The Taliban also let the extremist Muslim group, Al Qaida, enter the country and train their troops in Afghanistan. Al Qaida was formed by the rich Saudi, Osama bin Laden. Al Qaida believes that governments of Muslim countries should be replaced with religious Muslim leaders and everyone should be forced to follow strict Islamic laws (Sharia). Al Qaida claims responsibility for the attacks on 911. They want “western” countries, like the U.S., to stay out of the Muslim countries’ affairs, including the fight between the Israelis and Palestinians.
Womens’ Rights after theTaliban took control of Afghanistan Women in Afghanistan.wmv
Soghra’s Story Soghra_s_Story.wmv
Hmmmm….. 1. Why would The Taliban destroy the ancient Buddhist statues? 2. Why would The Taliban kidnap the husbands of women in Afghanistan? 3. Why did the women not understand what civil rights meant?
Because… 1.The Taliban is an extremist Muslim group. They enforce strict laws that they believe are the way a true Muslim should live. 2. The Taliban may be trying to force others to join their organization. Any other ideas why? 3. Under Taliban rule, women had no rights at all.
Revisiting Soghra Revisiting_Soghra.wmv
Why did Soghra lie?
Because: Her family was fleeing the war zones between The Taliban and the citizens of Afghanistan. Her husband wanted his wife and children to go to a safehouse. They would not have been accepted into the safehouse if the husband were still there. It is impossible to shelter everyone who needs it in Afghanistan, so they only shelter the women and children who have no husband and father to take care of them.
U.S. involvement in Afghanistan The U.S. has been at war with the Taliban and Al Qaida in Afghanistan. We are not at war with the Afghani people, but are trying to help rid them of these groups who have taken over their country.
Is war against The Taliban the answer? Tough question! One would think the best way to get rid of them is through war. We did help drive them out of power, but with new young men and kids joining the Taliban every day, that power is emerging again. When dealing with a poor country like Afghanistan, the best answer is education. Only education will solve the problem for good.
In these “schools” the children are taught to be soldiers and are trained to fight with these extremists groups. As older members die in battle, they are replaced with the new generation of fighters. The cycle just goes on and on and on and on………… Often times, groups like The Taliban and Al Qaida will offer a free education to the children of poor Afghanis. In a country with very little education, little money, and no government support, this is seen as a way out of poverty. So often, uneducated parents let their children go away to these “schools” or Madrasas. Most Madrasas really are good, Muslim schools, but Madrasas run by groups like The Taliban and Al Qaida are just training camps for future terrorists.
With education… If given the opportunity to go to a real school and get a real education, the kids would not end up joining groups like Al Qaida and the Taliban. They would have more opportunities in life and take a better path to their futures.
Another problem since driving The Taliban and Al Qaida out of Afghanistan is that several of them were driven over the border into Afghanistan’s neighbor, Pakistan. Pakistan is now having the same problems with The Taliban trying to control their country as they did Afghanistan…
When the Taliban ruled Afghanistan Taliban.asx