Section 3 The War at Home
Rationing: Limiting the amount of something that each person can buy. Internment camp: A prison like place in which people are held during a war.
1939: ◦ American factories 6000 airplanes After Pearl Harbor: ◦ President wanted 50,000 airplanes
Many stayed open around the clock: ◦ 8-hour shifts 1944: ◦ 90,000 planes By the end of the war: ◦ Over 70,000 ships ◦ 44 billion bullets ◦ 2.5 million army trucks
Americans too young or too old: ◦ Worked for Red Cross ◦ Knotted sweaters and socks for troops ◦ Donated blood ◦ Planted vegetable gardens: Victory gardens (food) ◦ Bought war bonds (help pay for war)
People received a month’s supply of coupons: ◦ Allowed people to buy products that were hard to get: Meat Sugar Butter Coffee Clothing was nearly impossible to get: ◦ Cloth needed for military
During the war women made up 1/3rd of factory workers: ◦ Many over the age of 35
1. Women in the military: Separated women’s units 2. Worked in military offices: More men could serve in battle 3. Women flew supply planes: Men could fly fighters and bombers 4. Women served as nurses Women were paid 40% less
Government set up agencies to direct war effort: ◦ Fuel agency: Get fuel to armed forces Encouraged civilian to cut back ◦ Wage-and-price agency: Controlled food prices Controlled workers’ pay: No prices or wages were raised during the war
More than 27 million Americans moved during the war: ◦ Largest migration in U.S. History Many African Americans moved to: ◦ Cities in the North East ◦ Midwest ◦ West Coast Factory work
Left low paying farm jobs in the south for better paying factory jobs FDR-signed order: ◦ African Americans were treated fairly in defense plants
1 million served during WWII: ◦ Still faced discrimination Given jobs as: ◦ Cooks ◦ Waiters ◦ Workers in supply units Many African Americans still wanted to be part of the fight
Created in 1941 All pilots were African American “Tuskegee Airmen” Job ◦ Protected bombers flying over Europe ◦ No bomber ever shot down Shot down 103 enemy planes Destroyed 298 planes on the ground
More Latinos volunteered than any other group: ◦ Mexican Americans ◦ Puerto Ricans (1 in 4 men in Bataan Death March was a Mexican American) ◦ Still discriminated 300,000+ served during the war Took jobs from workers who went to war
Americans fear: ◦ Japanese Americans on the West Coast might help Japan 1942, FDR: ◦ Order them to be put into internment camps 100,000 Japanese Americans ◦ Gave up: Homes Farms businesses
Thousands of Japanese Americans fought in the war: ◦ 442nd Infantry Highly decorated After the War: ◦ U.S. paid some of the Japanese Americans for the loss of their property No more than 10%
Chapter 22 Section 3 Crossword