2 1)National Fire Protection Association Making the World a Safer Place Independent, Not-For-Profit Membership Association Organized in 1896; Headquartered in Quincy MA Approximately 80,000 members; 300 staff Mission: Reduce the worldwide burden of fire and other hazards on the quality of life by providing and advocating... Consensus codes & standards Research Training and Education
Three Realms of Focus for Vehicle Safety Codes and Standards 1)Background and Overview Needs in Support of Safety Codes and Standards 3 Vehicles Supporting Infrastructure Emergency Responders
“Fire Fighter Safety & Emerg Response in Pre-Planning and Fireground Tactics for Alt-Energy Technologies” –Overall Project Goal: To assemble and widely disseminate best practice tactical information for fire fighters and fire ground incident commanders to assist in their decision making process when responding to emergency events involving these alt- energy applications –Project Scope (for Vehicles): Types: EVs, BEVs, HEVs, PHEVs, NEVs Focus on 4 wheel passenger vehicles Emergency events on roadway or at structures –Report available at: www/nfpa.org/foundation 4 2) Report on EV/HEV Emergency Responder Tactics
“Fire Fighter Safety & Emerg Response in Pre-Planning and Fireground Tactics for Alt-Energy Technologies” Key Emergency Scenarios for EVs and HEVs 5 2) Report on EV/HEV Emergency Responder Tactics
“Fire Fighter Safety & Emerg Response in Pre-Planning and Fireground Tactics for Alt-Energy Technologies” Additional Fire Service Hazards/Concerns for EVs and HEVs 6 2) Report on EV/HEV Emergency Responder Tactics
7 3) Emergency Responder EV/HEV Training Project Reach all emergency responders, starting with 1.2M U.S fire service members Develop a Web Portal for all Advanced EV safety info & training access. Project Goals : Train emergency responders & address new technology Implement a comprehensive awareness & emergency response series of training programs Reduce emergency responder and civilian injuries and death. Develop public awareness of safety issues.
8 3) Emergency Responder EV/HEV Training Project Emergency Responders Fire Service EMS and Law Enforcement Other responders (e.g. tow) Scoping Priorities : Vehicle Technology Advanced Electric Vehicles (EVs, PHEVs, FCVs) Secondary Focus: Other Electric Vehicles (HEVs) Vehicle Types 4 wheeled Passenger Vehicles Buses, Trucks, Neighborhood Electric Vehicles Other than 4 wheeled passenger vehicles
“U.S. Emergency Responder Safety Training for Advanced Electric Drive Vehicles” Web Links for Selected HEV Emergency Response Guides (Partial List) 9 3) Emergency Responder EV/HEV Training Project
U.S. National Electric Vehicle Safety Standard Summit Co-hosted by SAE and NFPA (see Oct 2010, Cobo Hall Detroit MI Intends: review technical issues, identify gaps, clarify plan… 10 4) U.S. National Electric Vehicle Safety Standards Summit Example of Technical Issue requiring attention at Summit NiMH Liquid Cooled EV Battery ModuleLithium Ion Air Cooled EV Battery Module EV Battery Examples Common Types of Energy Storage Batteries Used in Vehicles
Contact Information: One Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA USA Phone: FPRF Website: Casey Grant Fire Protection Research Foundation 11