European Modelling Symposium 2009 EMS2009 UKSim 3 rd European Symposium on Computer Modelling and Simulation 25 – 27 November, Athens, Greece Guidelines for Reviewers David Al-Dabass September 2009.
Quality papers -Your prime objective is to ensure only good quality papers find their way to the conference proceedings. -As a practicing academician you are familiar with what constitutes quality in an academic context, but here are some guidelines which you may find helpful.
EMS2009 : Paper Structure 1.Paper Structure : it needs to follow the conventional steps of the scientific method, i.e. -Abstract -Introduction - Literature survey to outline limitations/weaknesses of current systems/techniques/methods -The proposed new ideas -Tools to test the quality of the proposed ideas, e.g. simulation, software, hardware, or combinations -Results and discussions of experimentation with the tools to validate the new ideas -Conclusions and suggestions for future work -References
EMS2009 : Presentation and Language 2.Quality of Presentation and Language: look for -well argued and discussed ideas -quality of displaying the results, e.g. tables, graphs, charts, and references to them in the text. -Does the title read well and reflect the content accurately?
EMS2009 : Novelty Novelty: is the argument for originality and novelty convincing? Does the author build on the findings in the literature survey as platform for the proposals? How well Do the results validate the proposed ideas?
EMS2009 : References -Are the References in quality journals and/or conferences? -Are they cited within the text appropriately?
EMS2009 : Plagiarism 1.Plagiarism: EDAS gives a similarity score for the paper 2.Read the text for similarity and decide if there is a case for plagiarism 3.If there is, say so in the review and 4.Ask the author to explain.
Thank you!!