Multimodal Corridor System Management – Incorporating Analysis of Transit, Demand Management Programs and Operational Strategies Presented by Bill Loudon, DKS Associates May 11, 2011
Presentation Outline 1. Overview of the Project 2. Modeling Approach 3. Testing of Scenarios 4. Results and Conclusions
Regional Context
The US-101 Corridor
Project Objectives u To identify the location and characteristics of bottlenecks u To develop tools for the evaluation of delay-reduction strategies u To evaluate the delay-reduction potential of multi-modal strategies in in a complex urban corridor
Santa Barbara Bottlenecks
7 Ventura Bottlenecks
Delay as a Percentage of VHT AM PeakPM Peak NBSBNBSB Santa Barbara County22.3%12.6%35.1%29.7% Ventura County17.3%26.0%32.1%48.0%
Existing and Planned Programs u Local and Express Bus Transit u Limited Intercity Passenger Rail Service u Limited Park and Ride Lots u Demand Management Programs u Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities
Additional Transit and TDM Options Considered u Increased Local Bus Service u Increased Express Bus Service in HOV Lanes u “Commuter Friendly” Intercity Rail Service u Expanded Park and Ride u Expanded Demand Management Programs
Stakeholder Participation u State Department of Transportation u Metropolitan Transportation Organizations (MPOs) u County Transportation Commissions u Cities and Counties u Transit Providers u Air Quality Management District u Community Representatives
Stakeholder Committees u Transit and Demand Management u Traffic Operations u Modeling
Modeling Approach and Tools
Corridor Network in Santa Barbara County
Corridor Network in Ventura County
Hybrid Simulation Representation of the Network
Supplemental Analysis Tools u Pivot Point Transit Analysis Model u TDM Effectiveness Model u Freeway Service Patrol Effectiveness Model
Scenarios for Testing 1. Transit and TDM Enhancement 2. Ramp Metering 3. Minor Roadway Capacity Enhancements 4. Incident Management
Ventura AM Northbound
20 Santa Barbara AM Northbound
Santa Barbara AM Northbound Baseline 2023
Transit and TDM
Ramp Metering
Minor Physical Improvments
25 Transit and TDM - Conclusions u Overall benefits can be significant in peak commute direction VMTDelay Santa Barbara County 5%53% Ventura County 4%30% PM Peak Period Southbound Reduction
26 Ramp Metering - Conclusions u Can reduce delay when congestion is not severe AM PeakPM Peak NBSBNBSB Santa Barbara County8.9%-9.8%12.8%12.2% Ventura County7.2%6.3%-1.6% Peak-Period Delay Reduction 2023
27 Safety Benefits of Ramp Metering
28 Minor Capacity Improvements - Conclusions u Can significantly improve the productivity of the freeway AM PeakPM Peak NBSBNBSB Santa Barbara County24%8%-36% Ventura County24%59%30%24% Peak-Period Delay Reduction 2023
29 Freeway Service Patrol - Conclusions Freeway Service Patrol Benefits 2023 Delay Savings VHT/Year Benefit/Cost Ratio Santa Barbara County 206, Ventura County 207,
Conclusions u Consideration of multimodal management options was important to the US 101 CSMP u An analytical method for testing multimodal options could be integrated into the modeling process u The involvement of stakeholders throughout the process was important to the testing and integration of multimodal strategies